
Al Qaida in the Arabian peninsula

  • Early Attacks

    Early Attacks
    USS Cole bombing was an attack to the US naval foces from Al Qaeda, probably planned by AQAP. 17 people died and 39 were injured.
  • The Scission

    The Scission
    AQAP merged from al Qaeda's Yemeni and Saudi branches and was forced by the Saudi Government to seek sancuary in Yemen
  • Little Rock recruiting office shooting

    Little Rock recruiting office shooting
    Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, sent from AQAS, opened fire on soldiers in front of a military recruiting office.
  • U.S Recognition

    U.S Recognition
    Hillary Clinton recognises AQAP as a terrorist group.
  • Christmas Day bomb plot

    Christmas Day bomb plot
    On Christmas day Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to set off plastic explosives sewn to his underwear on the Northwest Airlines Flight 253. No one died but it was a scary national security threat by AQAP.
  • Israel Blockade/Holy war

    Israel Blockade/Holy war
    The deputy leader Said Ali al-Shihri called for a blockade and regional holy war of the Red Sea to prevent shipments to Israel
  • US response - Drone Warfare

    US response - Drone Warfare
    In 2010 CIA decided to use drone warfare to fight Al Qaida in Yemen. In 2012 US drones attacked more than 20 times in the first 5 months.
  • Cargo plane bomb plot

    Cargo plane bomb plot
    Two explosive packages bound for the United States via cargo planes were found in the UK. AQAS took responsability for it.
  • Drone Strike kills a leader

    Drone Strike kills a leader
    Anwar al-Aulaqi, AQAP leader, was killed by a drone strike. He was US citizen.
  • Sana'a bombing

    Sana'a bombing
    It was a suicide attack on Unity Day Parade in Yemen with more than 150 killed and 200 injured.