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  • Formation of Al Quaida in Iraq

    Formation of Al Quaida in Iraq
    The group Al Quaida was founded in 2003 as a response to Americans. Americans invaded and occupied Iraq. The first leader of this militant force was a Jordanian by the name of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. They later allied with Osama Bin Laden.
  • Beheadings Carried Out

    Beheadings Carried Out
    Al Quaida is responsible for many beheadings. On this day the most recognized one was carried out on American Nick Berg.
  • Alqaida Forces Joined Islamic Forces

    Alqaida Forces Joined Islamic Forces
    Alqaida joined forces with an obscerure islamic force known as the Salafiah al-Mujahidiah. The goal of this was to try to force U.S troops out of Iraq.
  • Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 2004-2006

    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 2004-2006
    Took power in 2004 as a leader of al-quaida in Iraq. He was well known for running a training camp in Afghanistan. He then moved on to Iraq where he made a series of bombings, beheadings and attacks throughout the Iraq war.
  • Attack on Jordanian Border

    Attack on Jordanian Border
    Al Quaida tries to attack the Iraqi-Jordanian border. This attack failed. Al Quaida increased their presense in Iraq by claiming these attacks.
  • Al Quaida Focusses on executing

    Al Quaida Focusses on executing
    Throughout 2005 Al Quaida had many executions. Most of these were on ordinary innocent citizens. Later they were carried out to voters and people of higher power. These attacks were ordered by al-Zarqawi.
  • Suicide Bombing

    Suicide Bombing
    The most deadly attack on Jordan killed 60 people in Amman. Al Quaida claimesd these attacks.
  • Handicapped Women

    Handicapped Women
    Al Quaida has taken to using young handicap women as sacrifices. By sacrifices, they commit suicide while setting off an explosive. She killed 7 others with this unfortunate event. This has been a reoccuring pattern of using young women for this.
  • Abu Musab Deaths

    Abu Musab Deaths
    U.S airstrike caused death, this also coused Al-Quaida to branch off from Al-Quaida in Iraq.
  • People Being used as Shields

    People Being used as Shields
    Terrorists use children, women and other innocent bystanders as human shields while they were under attack.