
Age of Discovery

  • Aug 22, 1300

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    Wrote the book of the marvels of the world in 1300.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Went on four Voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. He initiated Spanish culture in the "new world"
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    On October, 31st, 1517. Luther wrote to his bishop, Albert of Mainz, protesting the sale of indulgences. He enclosed in his letter a copy of his "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences", which came to be known as The Ninety-Five Theses.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    Organized the Spanish expedition to the East Indies from 1519-1522. Which led to first circumnavigation of the earth.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    Led an expedition that caused The end of the Aztec empire and brought large amounts of Mexico under the control of the King of Castile.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    Vasco De Gama

    Vasco De Gama
    First European to reach India by sea as well as the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Opened the way of global imperialism.
  • Apr 14, 1528

    Fransico Pizarro

    Fransico Pizarro
    Conquered the Incan empire.
  • Mar 22, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    Claimed what is now Canada for France.
  • Mar 1, 1536

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    In March 1536, Calvin published the first edition of his Institutio Christianae Religionis or Institutes of the Christian Religion. The work was a defense of his faith and a statement of the doctrinal position of the reformers.
  • Apr 9, 1541

    Ignatius of Loyola

    Ignatius of Loyola
    He was a Spanish knight from a local Basque noble family, priest since 1537, and theologian, who founded the Society of Jesus and, on April, 9th 1541, became its first Superior General. Ignatius emerged as a religious leader during the Reformation. Loyola's was focused and devoted to the Catholic Churchwhich was characterized by absolute compliant to the Pope.
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who created a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at its center. The picture of this model is in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium. His death in 1543, is considered a major event in the history of science, triggering the Copernican Revolution and making a huge part into to the Scientific Revolution.
  • Jan 1, 1573

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    Danish nobleman known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations. In his De nova stella of 1573, he refuted the Aristotelian belief in an unchanging celestial realm. His accurate measurements caculated that "new stars," lacked the parallax expected in sub-lunar phenomena.
  • Johannes Keepler

    Johannes Keepler
    German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer. A key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution, he is known for his laws of planetary motion. Based on his works Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome of Copernican Astronomy. These works also provided one of the foundations for Isaac Newton's theory of universal gravitation.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Known as Galileo.. Italian physicsist, mathematicia. Made improvements to the telescope. Dicsovered that other planets had phases. His obserations helped with Copernicanism.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    First Viscount St. Alban. Bacon has been called the father of empiricism
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    Alot of people refer to him as the father of modern philosophy. Descartes is often thought of as the first thinker to emphasize the use of reason to develop the natural sciences.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Most famous for his 3 scientific laws that explain how gravity works, velocity and etc. He is arguably the most famous physicist of all time. The laws are called The laws of motion.
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    Founder of chemistry.