Afghanistan war

  • 9/11

    The Afghanistan war began becuase of 9/11. Canada would help in the fight against terrorist and bring democracy to Afghanistan
  • First Candian soldiers in Afghanistan

    They were all in Kandahar along with British soldiers
  • America invades Iraq

  • Operation Athena

    Operation Athena
    Canadian forces move to the city of Kabul
  • Saddam Hussein gets captured

    Saddam Hussein gets captured
  • Canadian operation extended by 2 yeras

  • Taliban come back

    Taliban come back
    After coming back from Kabul to kandahar, Canadian forces ended up fighting the Taliban
  • Saddam Hussein death by execution

  • Canadian soldiers occupied mostly Kandahar and Panjwaii

    Canadian soldiers occupied mostly Kandahar and  Panjwaii
  • Canadian mission extended until 2014

  • Canadian help train Afghan army

    Canadian help train Afghan army
  • American troops leave Iraq offically ending the Iraq war

  • Mission ends in Afghamistan

    Mission ends in Afghamistan