Abraham Lincoln Timeline

  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    Invented by Robert Fulton
    -unknown date
  • Stethoscope

    Invented by Rene Laennec
    -Unknown date
  • Human Blood Transfusion

    Human Blood Transfusion
    James Blundell performed the first transfusion of human blood.
    -Unknown date
  • Lawn Mower

    Lawn Mower
    Invented by Edward Beard Budding
    -Unknown date
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Invented by Berthelemy Thimonnier
    -Unknown date
  • Political Announcement

    First known published political announcement.
  • House of Representative Election

    House of Representative Election
    Wins election to first term in Illinois House of Representatives.
  • Declaration against slavery

    Declaration against slavery
    Makes the first public declaration against slavery.
  • Abraham married Mary Todd

    Abraham married Mary Todd
    Springfield, Illinois
  • Robert Todd Lincoln was born

    Robert Todd Lincoln was born
    Springfield, Illinois
  • Nitrous oxide as an Anesthetic

    Nitrous oxide as an Anesthetic
    Dr. Horace Wells uses nitrous oxide as anesthetic.
    -Unknown date
  • Nitrous Oxide as an Anesthetic

    Nitrous Oxide as an Anesthetic
    Dr. Horace Wells uses nitrous oxide as a anesthetic.
    -Unklnown date
  • Rubberband

    Invented by Stephen Perry
    -Unknown date
  • Edward Baker Lincoln Born

    Edward Baker Lincoln Born
    Springfield, Illinois
  • Amendment to abolish slavery

    Amendment to abolish slavery
    Proposes amendment to abolish slavery.
  • Safety Pin

    Safety Pin
    Invented by Walter Hunt
    -Unknown date
  • First woman to recieve medical degree

    First woman to recieve medical degree
    Elizabeth Blackwell
    -Unknown date
  • Edward Baker Lincol dies

    Edward Baker Lincol dies
    3 years 11 months
    Springfield, Illinois
  • Lincolns Father dies

    Lincolns Father dies
    Age 73
    Copes County, Illinois
  • Wins Election

    Wins Election
    Abraham Lincoln wins election to be the 16th President of the United States of America
  • 16th President

    16th President
    Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as 16th president of the United States of America.
  • Tennesse secedes from union

    Tennesse secedes from union
  • Slavery Abloished

    Slavery Abloished
    Slavery abolished in District of Columbia.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
  • Battle of Murfreesboro

    Battle of Murfreesboro
  • Abraham Lincoln Assasinated

    Abraham Lincoln Assasinated
    Abraham Lincoln was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth
  • 35th State

    35th State
    West Virginia admitted to union as 35th state.
  • Lincoln offers Pardon

    Lincoln offers Pardon
    Lincoln offers full pardon to southeners who take prescribed oath.
  • Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated for Second Term

    Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated for Second Term
    Lincoln was inaugurated for Second Term
  • 36th State

    Nevada admitted to union as the 36th state