Abraham Lincoln's Life

  • Birth of The 16th President

    He was born in Kentucky. His parnets names are Thomas Lincoln and Nacy Hanks
  • The death of his mother

    Abraham Lincoln's mother died because of milk sickness.
  • Abraham Lincoln's stepmother

    Abraham Lincoln's stepmother
    Thomas lincoln marries a widow Sarah Bush Johnson and becomes Abraham Lincoln's
  • Lincoln is elected

    Lincoln is elected for the Illinois Gernal Assembly.
    Abe starts to study law.
    Abe meets Ann Rutledge.
  • The Election

    Abraham Lincoln in march becomes a candidate for the Illous Gernal Assembly.
    April the black hawk war and abe enlists.
    August 6 abe loses the election.
  • Lincoln is re-elected

    Lincoln is re-elected
    Lincoln is elected to the illinose gernal assembly.
  • Law License

    Law License
    Lincoln Finally Recives his Law License.
  • Admission and meeting his wife.

    Lincoln is invited to the United States Circut Court.
    Lincoln meets Mary Todd at a Christmas dance.
  • Depression

    Abe breaks off the engagment with Mary Todd.
    Abe stuffers from depression.
  • New Law Partner

    Lincoln meets a new Law Partner Stephen T. Logan
  • speech

    Gives speech agaisnt ar policy
  • The death of Eward Baker Lincoln

    The death of Eward Baker Lincoln. Eward was Abe's second son.
  • Speech of Slavery

    Lincoln gave a speech on slavery in New Heaven, Connecticut.
  • Delivers inaugural address

    Predsient Lincoln delivers his frist inugural address.
  • The death of the 16th predsient

    Abraham Lincoln dies o his death bed (his own bed) at 7:22 in the morining.