Abraham Lincoln

By axm3840
  • Birth

    Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12,1809 in Kentucky. His dad was Thomas Lincoln and his mother was Nancy Lincoln.
  • Lincoln's mother dies

    Lincoln's mother dies
    Nancy Lincoln dies of milk sickness
  • Lincoln's father marries a widow

    Lincoln's father marries a widow
    Thomas Lincoln marries Sarah Bush Johnston who becomes stepmother to Abraham Lincoln.
  • Lincoln gives his first speech

    Abraham Lincoln gives his first speech on improving navigation on the Sangamon River.
  • Lincoln settles in New Salem, Illinois

    Abraham Lincoln settles in New Salem where he works as a clerk in the village store.
  • Lincoln becomes a candidate

    Lincoln becomes a candidate
    Abraham Lincoln becomes a candidate for the Illinois General Assembly
  • Lincoln enlists to fight in the Black Hawk War

    Lincoln enlists to fight in the Black Hawk War
    Abraham Lincoln enlists to fight in the Black Hawk War.
  • Lincoln loses election

    Lincoln loses election
    Abraham Lincoln loses election to get into the Illinois General Assembly.
  • Lincoln starts to study law

    Lincoln starts to study law
    Abraham Lincoln starts to study laws
  • Lincoln is re-elected

    Lincoln is re-elected
    Abraham Lincoln is re-elected to the Illinois General Assembly
  • Lincoln admitted into US Circuit Court

    Lincoln admitted into US Circuit Court
    Abraham Lincoln is admitted into United States Circuit Court.
  • Lincoln presents his first case

    Lincoln presents his first case
    Abraham Lincoln presents his first case before the Illinois Supreme Court.
  • Lincoln establishes new law partnership

    Lincoln establishes new law partnership
    Abraham Lincoln establishes new law partnership with Stephen T. Logan.
  • Lincoln marries Mary Todd

    Lincoln marries Mary Todd
    Abraham Lincoln marries Mary Todd in Springfield on November 4, 1842.
  • Robert Todd Lincoln is born

    Robert Todd Lincoln is born
    Abraham and Mary Lincoln give birth to Robert Todd Lincoln.
  • Lincoln sets up his own law practice.

    Abraham Lincoln sets up his own law practice and dissolves his partnership with Logan.
  • Edward Baker Lincoln is born

    Edward Baker Lincoln is born
    Abraham and Mary Lincoln give birth to Edward Baker Lincoln.
  • Edward Baker Lincoln dies

    Edward Baker Lincoln dies
    Edward Baker Lincoln dies at the age of 3
  • Lincoln is elected into the Illinois legislature

    Lincoln is elected into the Illinois legislature
    Abraham Lincoln is elected to Illinois legislature but declines the seat to become a U.S. Senator.
  • Lincoln is nominated as a Senator

    Lincoln is nominated as a Senator
    Abraham Lincoln is nominated as Republican senator from Illinois to oppose the Democrat Stephen A. Douglas.
  • Lincoln is nominated for president

    Lincoln is nominated for president
    Abraham Lincoln is nominated to be the Republican candidate for President of the United States.
  • Lincoln becomes president

    Lincoln becomes president
    Abraham Lincoln is elected as the 16th president of the United States.
  • Lincoln delivers his First Inaugural Address

    Lincoln delivers his First Inaugural Address
    Abraham Lincoln delivers his First Inaugural Address on March 4, 1861
  • Lincoln gives his Gettysburg Address speech

    Lincoln gives his Gettysburg Address speech
    Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address Speech on November 19, 1863
  • Lincoln is shot

    Lincoln is shot
    Abraham Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater.
  • Lincoln dies

    Lincoln dies
    Abraham Lincoln dies on April 15, 1865 at 7:22 in the morning.
  • Rosa Parks protests about segregation

    Rosa Parks protests about segregation
    Rosa Parks refuses to give her seat on a bus to protest about segregation. Lincoln inspired people to stand up for themselves.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. gives his famous speech

    Martin Luther King Jr. gives his famous speech
    Martin Luther King Jr. gives his famous "I have a dream" speech. Abraham Lincoln freed slavery so this led to King Jr. to give his speech. Lincoln also showed the world how to successfully achieve goals through leadership.
  • Obama elected president

    Obama elected president
    Barack Obama is elected 44th president of the United States of America. Lincoln showed that anyone, no matter your race, can achieve great things through great leadership and wise decision making.