Abraham lincoln november 1863

Abraham Lincoln

  • Born

    On this day Abraham Lincoln was born to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln
  • Whig Party

    Whig Party
    Elected to the Illinois House of Representatives as a member of the Whig Party. He was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives until 1846
  • Married

    On this day Lincoln married Mary Todd.
  • United States House of Representatives

    United States House of Representatives
    Elected to the United States House of Representatives.
  • Republic Party

    Republic Party
    Secured the Republican Party presidential nomination.
  • Elected President

    Elected President
    Lincoln was elected president.
  • Start of Term

    Start of Term
    Began his term has President of the United States.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    On this day Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address.
  • Assasination

    On this day Abraham Lincoln was assasinted by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre.
  • Memorial

    On this day the Lincoln Memorial first opened in memory of Abraham Lincoln