Abby Craig's Progressive Timeline

  • National Reclamation Act

    National Reclamation Act
    Funded irrigation projects for 20 states in the American west.
  • National Wildlife Refuge System

    National Wildlife Refuge System
    Protects wildlife and wetlands in America.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    Authorized the Interstate Commerce Commision to impose fines on railroads.
  • U.S Forest Service

    U.S Forest Service
    Administers the nation's 155 national forests and 20 national grasslands.
  • Hepburn Act

    Hepburn Act
    Gave the ICC the power to set maximum railroad rates.
  • Pure Food & Drug Act

    Pure Food & Drug Act
    Established the Food Safety & Inspection Service.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    Prevented altered or bad meant from being sold.
  • Muller vs, Oregon

    Muller vs, Oregon
    Justified both sex discrimination and usage of labor laws.

    African-american civil rights organization.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    The amendment that allowed congress to levy taxes.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The United States is allowed to vote for senators.
  • Federal Reserve System Act

    Federal Reserve System Act
    Set up the Federal Reserve System.
  • Federal Trade Commision Act

    Federal Trade Commision Act
    established the Federal Trade Commision which is againt trusts.
  • Clayton Antitrust Act

    Clayton Antitrust Act
    Outlawing monolpolies, cartels, and trusts.
  • Bunting Vs Oregon

    Bunting Vs Oregon
    Court upheld ten hour workdays.
  • National Park Service

    National Park Service
    United States federal angency that manages all national parks.
  • Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

    Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
    Prohibited the sale of goods produced by factories that employed children under fourteen.
  • Hammer VS. Dagenhart

    Hammer VS. Dagenhart
    United States supreme court enacted child labor laws.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Prohibition against alcohol.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Women's suffrage.