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A Walk Through World War Two History

  • The Invasion of Poland

    The Invasion of Poland
    At 4:45 am, Germans began their invasion in Poland along its 1,750 mile border with German territory. Luftwaffe bombed poland aircraft while German U-boats and warships attaked Poland's naval forces in the Baltic sea. Hitler believed their invasion was just a defensive action but France and Britain were not in favor.
    MLA: "France's Reaction to the Invasion of Poland." France's Reaction to the Invasion of Poland 1 Jan. 2009.
  • Declaration of War on Germany

    Declaration of War on Germany
    Due to Hitlers invasion of Poland and his actions, both allies opposing Germany declare war on them. Britian would begin bombing German ships starting on September 4 while France would begin an offensive against Germany's western border two weeks later.
    MLA: "Declaration of War on Germany." Declaration of War on Germany 1 Jan. 2009. Print.
  • Hitler's Victory over France

    Hitler's Victory over France
    France and Germany signed an armistice treaty in the forest of Compiègne. Treaty stated that France was now surrending Germany.
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    The Battle of Britain

    Luftwaffe through a bomb over London which then caused Berlin retaliation (payback). Germans were now intending to harm civilians instead of arms. For that reason, Britian rebuild Royal Air-Force. Photograph: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Heinkel_He_111_during_the_Battle_of_Britain.jpg
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    The signing of Lend-Lease Bill

    Roosevelt (USA president) signs the Lend-Lease Bill, which allowed them to lend supplies to the Allies in their fight against the Axis. Therefore, USA has now joined the war. Photograph: http://greyfalcon.us/pictures/Uclesam.jpg
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    They tried to fight against Russia. Hitler thought they were going to win but they did not. Winter clothing was not provided and was about -30 degrees at times. Hitler believed they would get to Stalingrad quickly through Ukraine but they fought and had trouble passing. They eventually lost the battle.
    MLA: McCall, Patti. Operation Barbarossa: Nazi Germany's War in the East, 1941-1945. Vol. 138. Media Source. 112. Print.
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    Invasion of Ukraine And Preperation For Final Solution

    Germany invades Ukraine on July 30,1941. Afterwards on July 31, 1941, Hitler and Goring give out instructions to being the "Final Solution" which refers to the Genocide of the Jews. Photograph: http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/tucker/strusky_m/webquests/VUS11e_Holocaust/holokristallnacht.jpg
  • Attack at Pearl Harbor

    Attack at Pearl Harbor
    Occurred in Hawaii, bombed pearl harbor which is military establishment in Hawaii. Only piece of USA territory that Japan attacked. They wanted to show their power. 2 hours, 19 ships, 2300 killed, 1100 wounded. Brings US into WW2. On the same day Japan invaded: Honk Kong, Guam, Wake Island, Thailand and also invades as well.
    MLA: "Cobblestone." WAR COMES TO THE PACIFIC 1 May 2014: 4-8. Print.
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    The Start of The "Final Solution"

    “Jewish problem” 6 million Jews killed known as the holocaust. Getting rid of the Non-Aryans through the use of genocide. Photograph:
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    The Doolittle Raid

    The battle of Tokyo took place as a revenge from the US to Japan for the Pearl Harbor. Photograph: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Firebombing_of_Tokyo.jpg
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    Battle of Midway

    Midway is a small island that refueled planes. Japan and USA fought to see who was going to keep the island. USA won because they cracked the code and knew were Japan was. They took over Midway and refueled their airplanes there in order to get to Japan. Photograph: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-13844721,width-640,resizemode-4/battle-of-midway-decoding-japanese-code.jpg
    MLA: Krasner, Barbara D. "The Battle of Midway." Cobblestone: 6. 26-31. Print.
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    Battle of Guadalcanal

    USA was not used to fighting in the jungles with mosquitos and tropical animals, they troubled a lot. USA won the battle since they were able to stop shipments from getting into Australia or getting their shipments into Australia. It lasted 6 months. Photograph: http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/images/g10000/g14409.jpg
    MLA: Lippman, David H. "First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal." Print.
  • D-Day

    Plan by General Eisenhower in order for USA to get involved in the European part of the war in June 6, 1944. USA entered through Normady island which allowed them to get into France. Was the turning point, changed the way war was going to be handled.
    MLA: "D-Day Plus 70 Years." 47. Print.
    MLA: "D-DAY." 68-71. Print.
  • The Start of The Battle of the Bulge

    The Start of The Battle of the Bulge
    Battle began December 16, 1944. Hitler believed that the alliance betweeen France, USA, and Britain was not strong. Therefore, he created a massive attack against the American forces. The attack is known as the Ardennes Offensive which later was known as the Battle of the Bulge due to the Germans creation of a bulge in the allied front line.
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    The Yalta Conference

    PRIMARY SOURCEConference that took place in a Russian town. At The Yalta Conference, Roosevelt, Chuchill and Stalin made very important decisions regarding the post world and the future progress of the war. MLA: Yalta (Crimea) Conference." 10. Print.
    Photograph: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120419225819/twelveforums/images/d/d3/Yalta_Conference_withSpoon.jpg
  • The Battle of Okinawa

    The Battle of Okinawa
    Largest maritime landing at the pacific. Resulted the largest casualties with over 50,000 casualties for the allies and 100,000 for the Japanese. This battle is also known as the "Operation Iceberg".
    MLA:Burnham, Alexander. "Okinawa, Harry Truman, and the Atomic Bomb." 392. Print.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Nazi Col. Gen. Alfred Jodl signed an unconditional surrender at Reims, France. The surrender took effect the next day ending World War 2.
  • Atomic Bombing at Hiroshima

    Atomic Bombing at Hiroshima
    USA used atomic weapon against Hiroshima, Japan. As in today, Japan still has radiation which has caused Leukemia cancer and other diseases. "The Manhattan Project".
    MLA: Hersey, John. "THE FIRE." HIROSHIMA. Scholastic. Print.
  • Atomic Bombing at Nagasaki

    Atomic Bombing at Nagasaki
    After three days of bombing Hiroshima, Japan was trying to find a way to handle things since they were in severe problems. They no longer had oil and they had been bombed by USA. Though, the "Manhattan Project" included Nagasaki, the United States decided to bomb Nagasaki as well which caused severe chaos and devestation for Japan.
  • Surrender of Japan

    Surrender of Japan
    After the atomic bombing at Hiroshima and Nagasaka, Japan decided to surrender. More than 250 allied warships layed at achor in Tokyo Bay. The flags of China, USA and Britain. Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signed on behalf of the Japanese government declaring surrender.