
A Timeline of Charles Darwin and The Origin of Species

  • Charles Darwin- The Beginning

    Charles Darwin- The Beginning
    Charles Darwin was born on February 12th, 1809. Charles Darwin was the grandson of the famous English evolutionist, Erasmus Darwin. Early teachings into the theory of evolution led Darwin to later on publish his research - " The Origin of Species" in 1859
  • Period: to

    Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution

    Here we examine a look into the life and philosophy of Charles Darwin.
  • The Origin of Species

    On November 24th, 1859, Charles Darwin published his Theory of Evolution- " The Origin of Species". His theory outlines the main points of natural selection and evolution. Philosophers before him, such as Jean-Baptiste Lamarack, theorized for example, animals adapt and change physically during their lifetime to survive and then simply passed these learned changes to their offspring. Darwin theorized that animals who are born and adapt better in their environments, are more likely to survive...
  • The Origin of Species continued..

    .. and reproduced offspring who have the same adaptable qualities as them. This was a revolutionary paradigm because religions such as Christianity taught the obvious that everything is created as it is by God and no one is to question it. The idea of Natural Selection was a blasphemous outcry during this period in time no matter how much evidence but did lead to a true scientific revolution.
  • The Descent of Man

    Due to the criticism that Darwin faced about his “ungodly” theories of Natural Selection. He went to on to publish “The Descent of Man”. A publication further explaining how morality is just a fabricated construct that society has created in order to justify the good or bad things humans do. And why the actions of people should not be explained by some “higher power” but rather the evolution we have gone through as a species doing what we have had to do in order to survive.
  • The Descent of Man continued...

    Some main points in Darwins, “Descent of Man” go on to say that, we have very common evolutionary traits to other animals such as monkeys and apes. Our brains and skulls have evolved to have a stronger memory and broader intellect. This has aided us into learning things such as language order to overcome and survive. This makes us the most powerful animal in the animal kingdom.
  • Darwin and Natural Selection

    Charles Darwin passed away on April 19th 1882.
    I've attached a video that I've found helpful in understanding Evolution, Natural Selection and how Darwin revolutionized our understanding of human development and creation. Also gives a brief history of Charles Darwins early life and inspirations.
    Link text <- click here
  • MLA Citations / References Used

    Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882. On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London :John Murray, 1859. Darwin, Charles, Thomas H. Huxley, and Thomas R. R. Stebbing. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. London: John Murray, 1885. “Charles Darwin: A Short Biography.” Discovery Institute, Benjamin Wiker, 1 May 2009, www.discovery.org/a/9511/.