
A Crisis in Confidence

  • Watergate Burglary

    Watergate Burglary
    Five of the C.I.As top henchmen (Virgilio González, Bernard Barker, James W. McCord, Jr., Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis) broke into the watergate complex on 17 june, 1972. They placed wiretaps on the telephones and helped themselves to private files.
  • Nixon Refuses To Surrender Secret Tapes

    Nixon Refuses To Surrender Secret Tapes
    Nixon had taped every phone conversation he placed for his own personal use. Nixon claims executive privilege and refuses to give his personal tapes over for evidence.
  • Spiro Agnew Resigns

    Spiro Agnew Resigns
    Vice president Agnew becomes the first vice president to resign. That same day, he pleaded 'Nolo contendere' (no contest) to federal tax invasion in exchange for dropping charges of political corruption.
  • Gerald Ford Becomes Vice President

    Gerald Ford Becomes Vice President
    Gerald Ford was nominated to take Agnews position. This was unprecedented (he was the first vice president not elected by the people).
  • OPEC Places an Oil Embargo

    OPEC Places an Oil Embargo
    OPEC places an oil embargo on the United States and Western Europe regarding our support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War. The price of oil skyrocketed from 3 dollars a barrel to 12 dollars a barrel.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    Nixon gives his resignation speech at 11:35 AM on friday, August 8th, 1974. Ford is to be sworn in to serve out the rest of his two and a half year term.
  • Ford is Sworn Into Presidency

    Ford is Sworn Into Presidency
    At noon on August 8th, 1974 Ford was sworn in as Nixon was on his flight back home. He was the first president not elected.
  • The Khmer Rouge Takes Over Cambodia

    The Khmer Rouge Takes Over Cambodia
    The Khmer Rouge were the governing party in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. They subjected Cambodia to a radical form of communism and ignored basic human rights.Often making People move out of their home and forced the people to take up different jobs (mostly agriculture). They controlled every aspect of their lives.
  • Ford and Brezhnev Endorse the Helsinki Accords

    Ford and Brezhnev Endorse the Helsinki Accords
    The Helsinki Accords was the core of Soviet relations. Thirty-five states signed the Helsinki Declaration to improve relations with the communists.
  • Carter Pardons Vietnam Draft Dodgers

    Carter Pardons Vietnam Draft Dodgers
    Ford had granted partial pardons but Carter wanted to put the past in the past. On his first day of office Carter grants unconditional pardons to thousands who have dodged the Vietnam draft.
  • Carter Announces the Panama Canal Belongs to Panama

    Carter Announces the Panama Canal Belongs to Panama
    The Torrijos–Carter Treaties handed the Panama Canal over to Panama. The U.S. had control for nearly 75 years.
  • Carter Helps Negotiate the Camp David Accords

    Carter Helps Negotiate the Camp David Accords
    To settle disputes and keep peace between Israel and the Arab countries Carter develops the Camp David Accords. These discussions took place at the presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland.
  • Iranians Takes Americans Hostage

    Iranians Takes Americans Hostage
    A group of islamist students take 66 americans hostage. After attemps to have the hostages harmlessly released into U.S custody the U.S. arraged a rescue mission (Operation Eagle Claw), This mission failed and resulted in nine deaths. Eight were American.
  • The USSR Invades Afghanistan

    The USSR  Invades Afghanistan
    The USSR was trying to sweep communism across the west. Communism rejects religion so Afghanistan posed a threat as their beliefs kept them from handing over their country for communist rule.
  • Carter announces the U.S. Will Boycott the Moscow Olympic Games

    Carter announces the U.S. Will Boycott the Moscow Olympic Games
    President Carter announced the country will be boycotting the olympic games because the Soviet Union didnt withdraw the troops out of afghanistan. This started back up the Cold War that had died down in the mid 1970s.