A Brief History of SCC

  • Really?! 1920!?

    Founding of the American Association of Junior Colleges - I'da guessed, like, the 1950s at the earliest...
  • Phoenix Union High School District

    Becomes Phoenix College
  • The Truman Show is Watching You

    Publication of Higher Education for American Democracy by the President's (Truman) Commission on Higher Education..."The commission popularized the phrase community college..."
  • Maricopa County Junior College District

    Eventually, "Community"
  • Financial Aid Comes Along

    Higher Education Act of 1965, with 1972 and 1992 amendments and reauthorization...includes the Pell Grant
  • SCC

    Go Chokes (though they're not called Chokes yet)
  • Campus "Unrest" leads to Choking

    Students vote to have a pink and white Fighting Artichoke mascot. Administration is unhappy. But the League of Women Voters makes it happen. Go Women Voter Leagues!
  • I'm Hired

    I'm hired. Good for me.