A brief history of information and knowledge

  • Dec 8, 1440

    Printing press by Gutenberg

    Printing press by Gutenberg
    Gutenberg's printing press First printing of movable type in Europe.
  • John Locke - Defining Knowledge.

    John Locke - Defining Knowledge.
    John Locke delivers an insight into knowledge giving examples of types of knowledge and how to analyse them.
  • Fritz Machlup - Knowledge Industry

    Fritz Machlup - Knowledge Industry
    Fritz Machlup states that knowledge is a commodity and looks at ways of measuring the size of tproduction and distribution within society.
  • Michael Polanyi - Tacit Knowledge

    Michael Polanyi - Tacit Knowledge
    Michael Polanyi looked at tacit knowledge and explained how
    it is personal knowledge from our experiences.
  • Marshall McLuhan - Technologically Determinist

    Marshall McLuhan - Technologically Determinist
    http://nwlink.com/~donclark/history_knowledge/mcluhan.html Marshall McLuhan stated that the real message in communication is the medium.
  • Peter Drucker - The Knowledge Worker - 1966

    Peter Drucker - The Knowledge Worker - 1966
    Peter Drucker had a belief that information would cause numerous changes within society. He believed that the largest group of workers would be what he called "knowledge workers"
  • Daniel Bell - The Information Age

    Daniel Bell - The Information Age
    Daniel Bell believed in a theory he created known as a post-industrial society. He suggests we move from manufacturing to service economy and that knowledge, technology, and information become a key part of trading.
  • Alvin Toffler - The Third Wave

    Alvin Toffler - The Third Wave
    Alvin Toffler published "The Third Wave" (1980). This spoke of new cultures surrounding information. The book focuses on human history.
  • John Naisbitt & Patricia Aburdene - Information Society

    John Naisbitt & Patricia Aburdene - Information Society
    John Naisbitt & Patricia Aburdene wrote the book megatrends. They stated that there are ten trends that would change and shape the age of information.
  • HyperCard - Dynamic Programming

    HyperCard - Dynamic Programming
    HyperCard and the introduction of hypertext. Information is stored on computers and then commands executed.
  • The Internet - Network

    The Internet - Network
    The Internet became from advancement of an experiment constructed in the 60's. In 1991 Tim Berners-Lee and co workers created the basis for the internet we now know and use.
  • Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger - Community of Practice

    Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger - Community of Practice
    Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger stated that knowledge is linked to common interests and passions. They wrote their book Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. (1991) which gives details of their theory.
  • Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuk - The Knowledge Spiral

    Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuk - The Knowledge Spiral
    Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuk Nonaka had a theory that knowledge is the result of four processes that create a cycle. they are: externalization, internalization, combination, and socialization.
  • Karl-Erik Sveiby - Intellectual Capital

    Karl-Erik Sveiby - Intellectual Capital
    Karl-Erik Sveiby is responsible for the navigator. This is a ,ethod of reporting that looks at factors of a companies book value and compares it with its market value.
  • Don Tapscott - Twelve Themes of the New Economy

    Don Tapscott - Twelve Themes of the New Economy
    Don Tapscott has produced books about topics such-as The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence (1995) and rowing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation (1998). tHe stated there are twelve themese relating to the new economy.
  • Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak - Velocity and Viscosity

    Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak - Velocity and Viscosity
    Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak stated the meanings of velosity and viscosity.
    Velocity - the speed with which knowledge moves through an organization.
    Viscosity - the richness or thickness of the knowledge transferred.
  • Knowledge History Graph

    Knowledge History Graph
    After looking at the data throughout the timeline i have discovered there are numerous imprtant dates throughout history which refer to knowledge. I have also learned that knowledge has 4 factors when being analysed.
    They are:
    Knowledge structure