
By fahqad1
  • The birth of Mike Ditka

  • Period: to

    MIke Ditka

    life of Mike Ditka
  • College career

    College career
    MIke played for Universty of Pittsburgh. He started all 3 season at tight end (the best tight end in collge football history) He was also the team punter.
  • NFL Draft

    NFL Draft
    Mike Ditka was drafted to the Chicago Bears In 1961. He was the fifth overall pick. In his first season Mike Ditka had 58 receptions. His success earned Rookie of the year.
  • Mike Ditka head coach

    Mike Ditka head coach
    In 1982 Geroge Halas (bears owner) wanted Ditka to be the new head coach.
  • Super Bowl XX victory

    Super Bowl XX victory
    Mike Ditka Led the bears to a Super Bowl victory with Defensive corodintor Buddy Ryan. 1985 Bears were the best defensive ever.
  • Incidents

    Ditka broke his wrist by punching a locker in a angry halftime tirade. Ditka was aressted for DWI after the game with San Francisco.
  • Ditka troubles

    Ditka suffered a heart attack but bounced back quickly. But in 1987 Ditka threw a enormous chewing gum at the $9ers fans after a fan threw a drik at him during a Monday NIght Match up.