Explorer - Abigail

  • Jan 1, 1470

    Date of birth & Where he was born

    Francisco Pizarro was born in 1470. The month and day was unknown of his birthay.He was born at Trujillo, Spain.
    Book: Famous Explorers:Francisco Pizzaro
    By:Jeff Donaldson~Forbes
  • Jan 1, 1470

    Full name

    Full name
    His full name is Francisco Pizarro.It never said he had a middle name.
    Book: Famous Explorers:Francisco Pizzaro
    By:Jeff Donaldson~Forbes
  • Jan 1, 1525

    Why is he so special?

    In 1525 he was serving as a minor Spanish offical on the Isthamus of Panama. He also found the city of Lima , now it is the capital of Peru.
  • Jul 2, 1525

    He discovered

    He found the city of Lima,Peru.Which is now the capital of Peru.
  • Jan 1, 1531


    • He never learned to read or write.
    • He and his men took gold and silver and killed the emperor and took control of Peru.
  • Jun 26, 1541


    At age 71, Frncisco Pizzaro passed away June 26,1541. The reason he died was not his age he got murdered by his battle partner's family.