
Revolutions !

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    Thomas Hobbes !

    Believed that the government and religion should be seperated . Politics should be based on reason !
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    John Locke !

    • Believed that all people were born good and had natural rights by God • Social COntract • Freedom of Religion
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    Baron de Montesquieu

    • Govennemt should be broken into different branches to keep one person from taking total control
    Legislative : Make laws
    Judicial : Interpret laws
    Executive : Enforce laws
    • Seperation of powers !
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
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    Voltaire !

    • Things should be explained logically
    • Fought against intolerance , tyranny , and superstition
    • Believed in freedom of thought and respect for everyone
    • Believed that certain religions were too powerful and didnt except views of others
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    Benjamin Franklin !

    • Believed the government should have single legislature
    • Didnt believe people in charge should get paid
    • Slavery was wrong
    • Believed in common sense and reason
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    Jean - Jacques Rousseau

    • Against absolute power
    • Believed in Individualism
    • People should have power or say in government
    • Laws should be strictly enforced
    • Majority rule
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    Adam Smith !

    • Self interest guides were the most effective use of resources
    • Free enterprise
    • People working for monet benefitted themselves but also society
    • Charity was virtous but society shouldnt be dependent on it
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    Cesare Beccaria !

    • Didn't believe in cruel and unusual punishments
    • Fair and speedy trials
    • Same crime = Same punishment
    • Consitutional Proctetion
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    Thomas Jefferson

    • Believed majority of people would do the right choices when given • No too much power for the government • All people should be involved in making decisions • King shouldnt have all power
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    Father Hidalgo

    • Mexicos freedom
    • Urged people to fight for independence
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    Mary Wollstonecraft !

    • Fought for womans rights
    • Fought against inequalites in education
    • Equal treatment for all human beings
    • People should be judged by individual morals and merit , Not gender ! • Education based on reason
  • Seven Years’ War Peace Treaty between Great Britain and France

    Seven Years’ War Peace Treaty between Great Britain and France
  • Quebec Act

    This was a law designed to give the french people living in Canada more greater rights . Colonies with Western Land were cut off from what they had hoped would be new wealth .
  • The Quartering Act

    This required the Colonies to allow the British Troops into their homes to give them food and any supplies that they needed .
  • Stamp Act passed by British Parliament

    Stamp Act passed by British Parliament
  • Tarring and Feathering

    During the spring of 1766 Captain William Smith came under suspicion as informing others of American smuggling activities . He had to go through the tarring and feathering first hand . After he went through this they dragged him through the streets and threw him into the ocean . He was rescued right before he was about to drown.
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    Repeal of Stamp Act
  • Townsend Act, new revenue taxes on North American colonists

    Townsend Act, new revenue taxes on North American colonists
  • Boston Massacre

    This was the killing of 5 colonists by British regulars . It happened after the tension gret from the Royal troops appearing in Massachusetts in October 1768 to make the sure the taxes got carried out . Only two of these men were convicted of murder .
  • Riots in Boston met with violence by British troops

    Riots in Boston met with violence by British troops
  • The Gaspee Incident

    The Gaspee was a Birtish Royal Navy ship assigned to regularly stop merchant ships to check their cargo . On this day the Gaspee was chasing a ship believed to have been smuggling goods . The next day a group of men boarded the ship , led by John Brown , and set the ship on fire .
  • The Tea Act

    Passed by Parliament on May 10 , 1773 . It was enacted to prop up the East India Company . They were dropping financially and had eight million pounds of tea in their hands . The tea was shipped directly to the harbor and supposed to have been sold for a low bargain price .
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A group of about 50 men boarded the ship at night dressed as mohawk indians , On that night 342 chests were split open and thrown into the harbor .
  • Administration of Justice Act

    This bill stated that British Officials couldn't be tried for capitol punishments in court . They would have to be taken back to Britain and be judged there . This gave free reign to them in America since they couldn't be punished .
  • Massacusetts Government Act

    Annuled the charter of the colonies . This took control out of the hands of colonists and put it into the British .
  • Quebec Act

    Extended the Canadian Borders
  • Boston Port Bill

    Closed the Boston Harbor off till the damages from the Boston Tea Party were paid off .
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    It was held in Philadelphia's Carpenters Hall . 12 of the 13 states sent their delegates to this very first and important meeting . This session continued into late October . They wanted to right the wrongs that had been made to the colony .
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord !

    The first shot starting the Revolution was shot on this day in Lexington . The colonists going against the British were called the Minutemen . When the Britsih soldiers reached Lexington they had a great advantage .
  • The British are COMING !

    Paul Rever was sent by Dr . Joseph Warren to go to Lexington , Massachusetts to warn Samual Adams and John Hancock that British troops were coming to arrest them . On the way there Rever warned every how that he passed and finally reached Lexington at midnight that night . He then shouted " The Regulars are coming ! "
  • Second Continental Congress

    This second Congress meeting was ran over by John Hancock . Some of the topics discussed during this were ; Military Matters , Statements of Position , How to FInance the war , Independece , Opening of the Diplomatic Channels , and Legislation .
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    American Revolution !

  • Common Sense

    This book was published by Thomas Paine sometime in January of 1776 . It had soon became a number one seller in Europe and the Colonies . Also it went through many editions and Paine became world famous for it . This book was foremost about declaring Independence . Soon it would start a new movement of Sovereignty of the people and written Constitutions .
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This was the document formaly declaring our Independece from Great Britain . Drafted by Thomas Jefferson , It was signed by all the delegates from each state .
  • American and French representatives sign two treaties in Paris: a Treaty of Amity and Commerce and a Treaty of Alliance

    American and French representatives sign two treaties in Paris: a Treaty of Amity and Commerce and a Treaty of Alliance
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    SImon Bolivar

    • Strong central government
    • Believed government should be divided
    • Shouldnt give all power to vote to the people till they were properly educated
  • Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America

    Ratification of Constitution of the United States of America
  • Estates General convened for the first time in 174 years in France 1789 , Storming of the Bastille, prison (and armory) in Paris

    Estates General convened for the first time in 174 years in France 1789 , Storming of the Bastille, prison (and armory) in Paris
  • National Constituent Assembly and French Declaration of the Rights of Man

    National Constituent Assembly and French Declaration of the Rights of Man
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    French Revolution !

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    Haiti Revolution !

  • U.S. Bill of Rights ratified by states

    U.S. Bill of Rights ratified by states
  • Beheading of King Louis XVI

    Beheading of King Louis XVI
  • Slave rebellion in Saint Domingue

    Slave rebellion in Saint Domingue
  • French National Assembly gives citizenship to all free people of color in the colony of Saint Domingue.

    French National Assembly gives citizenship to all free people of color in the colony of Saint Domingue.
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
  • France declares war on Great Britain

     France declares war on Great Britain
  • All slaves on Saint Domingue emancipated by the French revolutionary authorities to join the French army and fight against the British

    All slaves on Saint Domingue emancipated by the French revolutionary authorities to join the French army and fight against the British
  • Toussaint leads troops against the British

    Toussaint leads troops against the British
  • French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint

    French colonial forces defeated by Toussaint
  • Toussaint negotiates peace with the British

     Toussaint negotiates peace with the British
  • War ends between Great Britain and France

    War ends between Great Britain and France
  • Constitution for Haiti

    Constitution for Haiti
  • General Leclerc sent by Napoleon to subdue colony and re-institute slavery

    General Leclerc sent by Napoleon to subdue colony and re-institute slavery
  • New declaration of war between Great Britain and France

    New declaration of war between Great Britain and France
  • French withdraw troops; Haitians declare independence

    French withdraw troops; Haitians declare independence
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor of Hait

    Jean-Jacques Dessalines crowns himself emperor of Hait
  • British end the slave trade

    British end the slave trade
  • Declarations of self-government in most Latin American colonies

    Declarations of self-government in most Latin American colonies
  • French expelled from Spain

    French expelled from Spain
  • Napoleon defeated and French empire reduced in Europe to France alone

    Napoleon defeated and French empire reduced in Europe to France alone
  • French abolish slave trade

    French abolish slave trade
  • U.S. President Monroe declares doctrine against European interference with the new republics in the Americas, known as the Monroe Doctrine

    	U.S. President Monroe declares doctrine against European interference with the new republics in the Americas, known as the Monroe Doctrine