The scientific revolution

The Scientific Revolution

  • Jun 5, 1543

    Copernicus's De Revolutionibus Obium Coelestium Published

    Copernicus's De Revolutionibus Obium Coelestium Published
    Months before Copernicus died, he published his theories on astronomy in a comprehensive book entitled De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium. The theory that brought the most controversy and examination was his propsition that Earth rotated upon its axis each day and circled the sun each year; these perceptions completely contradicted Ptolemy's widely used geocentric theory that the Earth was the center of the universe. It was published in Nuremburg and, ironically, was dedicated to Pope Paul III.
  • Period: Jun 5, 1543 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Nov 6, 1572

    Tycho's Star Supernova

    Tycho's Star Supernova
    In November of 1752, a star suddenly imploded in the night sky. Individuals across the globe witnessed this startling event, and scientists immediately began reconsidering their glorious outlook on stars and the belief that these heavenly objects were indestructable and eternal. The supernova was visible for roughly two years and was said to have been as luminous as Venus. Astrologist Tycho Brahe wrote a thorough examination of the star, which transformed scientific perspectives of the universe.
  • De Thiende, or The Art of Tenths, Published

    De Thiende, or The Art of Tenths, Published
    Flemish mathematician and engineer Simon Stevin proposed a unique and simplified system of presenting decimals that utilized encircled exponents beside their corresponding digits to give them value instead of the modern decimal system. This 36-page book is considered revolutionary by scientists because, while Stevin did not invent the decimal system, he declared its fundamental role in all of arithmatic and gave it a crucial position in society. He initiated the use of decimals in everyday life.
  • Mysterium Cosmographicum Publsihed

    Mysterium Cosmographicum Publsihed
    German atrologist Johannes Kepler published his groundbreaking book, which is based on a theory that the six known planets at the time have an orbital system comparative to five Platonic solids in where each polyhedron fit within a sphere representing the orbital patterns of a particular planet and contained a smaller one enclosing another polyhedron until the sun is reached in the center. Kepler claimed that his discoveries portrayed an exact replica of astrology and geomety as God intended it.
  • Hans Lippershey Attempts to Patent the Telescope

    Hans Lippershey Attempts to Patent the Telescope
    Hans Lippershey, arguably the true inventor of the telescope, first applied for a patent on the instrument he claimed to have created to the States-General of the Netherlands. The Dutchman was not given the patent for his refracting telescope; instead, he received a large sum of money for copied plans of his design. Although it is questionable whether or not Lippershey ever constructed his telescope, scientists such as Galileo created versions of the tool, including the modern optical telescope.
  • De Motu Cordis, or On the Motion of the Heart and Blood, Published

    De Motu Cordis, or On the Motion of the Heart and Blood, Published
    Physician William Harvey published a detailed synopsis of the revolutionary and modern cardiovascular system. In his book, Harvey thoroughly explained his new proposition for how the system worked; he claimed that the heart pump blood through a closed circuit of veins and arteries, which carries the fluid to the organs. He also recognized the organ as the source of blood, opposing the commonly excepted theory that livers contained the liquid, and calculated the heart's average beats per minute.
  • The Trial of Galileo

    The Trial of Galileo
    Astronomer Galileo Galilei was accused of heresy after attempting to publish Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, a controversial work supporting Copernican theories. In the trial, Pope Urban VIII referenced an inquisition against Galileo's teachings in 1616 that forced the scientist to never demonstrate any confirmation of theories opposing those of the Scripture, claiming that this book defies the command. Galileo was fored to recant and placed under house arrest until his death.
  • Selenographia Published

    Selenographia Published
    Astronomer Jan Hevelius utilized the refracting telescope to make substantial discoveries on the surface of the moon. He compiled 133 graphs and plate engravings, portraying geographical structures and phases of the moon, into a renowned book. He also named many of the mountains and basins found on the surface and explained the patterns of lunar phases and eclipses. Hevelius depicts the irregularity if the moon's orbit and the first lunar globe of its kind. These models are currently in usage.
  • Romer's Determination of the Speed of Light

    Romer's Determination of the Speed of Light
    Danish astronomer Ole Romer, while studying at the Royal Observatory in Paris, demonstrated a theory that light travels at a precise, finite speed to Giovanni Cassini, the observatory's director. Romer claimed that, from Io, a Jupiter moon studied extensively by scientists at the time, light took approxiametly ten minutes to reach Earth, a speed much slower than previously predicted. Romer predicted, though he was not supported by the director, that light traveled at 220,000 km/s consistently.
  • Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Published

    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Published
    Mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton published the revolutionary volume of science that can ultimately be considered the ending of the Scientific Revolution. The work of three books discusses several ideas and theories surrounding force, including Newton's Laws of Motion, concepts on gravity's effects, the moon's effect on ocean tides, and equinox and orbital patterns. Besides rival Hooke's arguements, the work was greatly revered and aided in explaining natural occurences and phenomena.