The Scientific Revolution

By areejm
  • Period: Nov 17, 1514 to

    The Scientific Revolution

  • Nov 18, 1514


    Nicholas Copernicus' manuscript that explained his heliocentric theory. He believed that the Sun was the center of the universe and that the Earth and other planets rotated around it. The Commentariolus was never published during his life time yet it was published many years after.
  • Nov 18, 1540

    Narratio prima

    Narratio prima
    Georg Joachim Rheticus, an Austrian-born astronomer and Copernicus' friend was the first to adopt and spread the heliocentric theory. He publihsed the Narratio prima (First Account). It was basically an introduction to Copernicus' major work and it was the first printed publication of his theory.
  • Nov 18, 1553

    Pulmonary System

    Pulmonary System
    Michael Servetus was a Spanish theologian, physician, cartographer, and humanists whose interests were in medicine and theology. He was the first European to describe the fuction of pulmonary circulation.
  • On the Magnet

    On the Magnet
    On the Magnet was published by the English scientist, William Gilbert. It explained the concept of magnetics. Gilbert wrote about the electrification of many substances, electric force, magnetic pole, and electric attraction. (He was also the first to use the word "electricity" from the Greek word for amber).
  • Sidereal Messenger

    Sidereal Messenger
    Galileo Galelei's published the Sidereal Messenger. It was the first ever treatise to detail astronomical observations made through a telescope. It explains in great detail the surface of the moon; how the moon was not smooth.
  • Harmonice mundi (Harmonies of the World)

    Harmonice mundi (Harmonies of the World)
    Johannes Kepler published the book and it discusses harmony and congruence in geomentrical forms. The final section of the book talks about his discovery of the "Third Law" of planetary motion. The "Third Law" is the relationship between the annual periods of the planets and their mean distances from the sun.
  • Rudolphine Tables

    Rudolphine Tables
    This book was published by Johannes Kepler and it consists of a star catalouge and planatery tables.
  • Philosophical Transactions

     Philosophical Transactions
    Isaac Newton's first major publication which explains his theory about light and colors. He shows that the white light is composed of rays of different colors, which could be separtated with a prism.
  • Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

    Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
    Isaac Newton's first out of three books that consists of his new theory of gravity. It states his laws of motion, his law of universal gravitation.
  • Tycho Star

    Tycho Star
    Tycho Brache became a known astronomer after publishing his observations about the "new star" (Stella Nova) in Latin in the following two years. The star was as bright as Jupiter, but soon the supernova became as bright as Venus. At the end of November, the star began to fade and change color- from bright white over yellow and orange to faint reddish white. It had been visible to the naked eye for almost 16 months.