
Scientific Revolution

  • Jan 1, 1555

    'De Humani Corporis Fabrica'

    'De Humani Corporis Fabrica'
    Andreas Vesalius wrote this book about the human body and its anatomy. The title means "On the Structure of the Human Body." To gather information for this book, Vesalius dissected bodies and found that other authors had made errors. Unlike many earlier textbooks, this book was actually illustrated, and it was done with more than 200 woodcuts that were done by many artists.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1555 to

    Scientific Revolution

    The Scientific Revolution was a time when new scientific ideas were coming up. This revolution lead to the start of modern science.
  • Galileo and the Telescope

    Galileo and the Telescope
    Galileo first heard of the telescope in 1609 and decided to improve it. As he was experimenting with the lenses, he discovered that the magnification of the telescope was proportional to the ratio of the eyepiece and the other side. So to make a telescope have a higher magnification, he needed weak lens for the eyepiece and strong lens for the other side.
  • The Assayer

    The Assayer
    This book was written by Galileo, and published in Rome. The Assayer talks about comets and how they are "sublunary phenomena," and also makes a few of his "most famous methodological pronouncements."
  • The Barometer

    Evangelista Torricelli created the barometer. He made a tube that was 1 meter long and sealed at the top. This tube contained Mercury and was set vertically.
  • Boyle's Law

    This gas law was named after Robert Boyle, who made the original law. This law is about the relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of gas when it is kept at a constant temperature. The equation is: pV=K, where p is the pressure, V is the volume of the gas, and K is a constant value.
  • Steam Digester

    Steam Digester
    This is a high pressure-cooker invented in 1679 by Denis Papin. Its purpose is to extract fat from bones in a high-pressure steam environment, making them brittle enough to break.
  • 'Principia'

    Also know as "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica," Isaac Newton's book stated Newton's Three Laws of Motion.
  • Electrical Conduction

    Electrical Conduction
    Stephen Gray found out that electricity can be transmitted through metal filaments. He first noticed this when one of his corks attracted small pieces of paper when rubbed. To embellish his discovery, he used long sticks and added threads, which lead him to discover that electricity could pass through the thread.
  • Leyden Jar

    Leyden Jar
    In 1745, Pieter Van Muschenbroek invented a jar that "stored" static electricity. The jar was used to conduct many experiments involving electricity.
  • Law of Conservation of Mass

    Law of Conservation of Mass
    This law was first oulined clearly by Antoine Lavoisier. This law says that the mass of a closed system will remain constant over time.