Medieval Time period

  • Period: 400 to Nov 1, 1399

    Medieval time period

  • 410


    "the Jews of Palestine who believed that God had raised Jews from the dead, were viewed as a Jewishsect when they first emerged."
  • 550


    "Christians tried to get rid of all Jews living near the,, either by converting them or by killing them, or making Jews move somewhere else."
  • Nov 17, 700


    "Because Christian laws said that Christian people could not lend money out at interest, and yet most kings and queens need to borrow money, the Jews played a big role in the medieval economy as moneylenders."
  • Nov 17, 1095

    First Crusade

    "One group decided it was too hard to get to Jerusalem to fight the Faimias, and insteas stopped in Germany to fight the Jews. Thousands of Jews were robbed and killed by the crusaders, just because they were not Christians."
  • Nov 17, 1300

    No Harm to Jews

    "Slay them not, lest my perople forget." Although is continuedwith, " Scatter them by your power and bring them down." "Augustine concentrated on the first phrase that commanded Christians to do no harm to the Jews in their midst. That was to have become a reminder that Jews have a place in Christian society."
  • Period: Nov 1, 1400 to

    Renaissance Period

  • Nov 17, 1541

    Venetian State Grant

    Venetian state grants Levatine Jews permission to reside in Venice, as a result of the increased participation of Sephardic Jews in Balkan commerce; and is an attempt by Italian princes to fill thweir coffers at the expense of local interests ( rights were granted for the financial benefit to Christian rulers, not to approve Jews' lot)
  • Nov 17, 1555

    Pope Paul IV

    Pope Paul issues bull, cum nimis absurdum, bringing religious and economic restrictions to the papl lands, requiring all jews to live in the ghettos and restricting economic relations with christians to selling of used clothes.
  • Milan

    900 Jews are expelled from Milan, which is now ruled by Spain
  • Period: to

    Modern Period

  • The union was completed

    The Prussian King was proclaimed Kaiser of the german Reich after the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War. Thus Germany did not unite voluntarily on the basis of a democratic parliamentary system, which was the patter in western Euroupe and America; rather did Prussia unite the German people by Uniting them.
  • Hitler is born

    Adolf Hitler was born on Apri 20, 1189 in Braunau, Austria, a small town next to the German border.
  • A Concocted Jewish Conspiracy

    "In France, a member of the Russian secret police concocts the Protocols of the elders of Zion."
    -These protocols stated that Jews had a conspiracy to take over the world.
    -These "protocols" still exist today and are used by antisemist to reinforce the claims of a Jewish conspiracy.
  • Anti-Semities

    Recieved 263,861 votes in the Reichstag election or 3.4 percent of the total vote of 7,673,973.
  • Dreyfus Affair Divides France

    "Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French army, is arrested and falsely accused of handing over to Germany, documents involving the National Defense of France."
    - Dreyfys was found guilty and sent to live in imprisonment on Devils Island.
    -The French nation was divided into two opposing groups.
    -Dreyfus was fully vindicted by a civilian court.
  • Karl Luegar, Antisemetic Mayor of Vienna

    "Luegar, co-founder of the Christian Socialist party, uses economic antisemitism to gain support from the small businessmen and artisand who are suffering..."
    -Adolf Hitler was greatly influenced by Luegars myoral reign and his ability toget public support.
    -Luegars ideas were reflected in the Nazi party platform in 1920's Germany.
  • Hitler enters Vienna

    Hitler became friendswith Luegar. They both rejected ideas of equality and democracy.
  • Death "The Rise of Hitler"

    Hitlers father dies in 1903. His father challenged him to become a civil servant.
  • Munich

    In 1913 Hitler movced to Munich, Germany.
  • War

    Hitler volunteered for the infantry regiment. He served as a messenger on the western front. He was decorated twice for bravery.
  • Weimar

    CLICKIn october of 1918 hitler and his followers gave the right of the kaiser to install and remove his chief ministers as hesaw fit.
    Since this republic was made kaiser had all authority no matter what.
  • Versaille's Treaty

    the draft of the Verasaille's treaty was presented to the officals of the Weimar Republic by the Allies.
  • Post WWI

    World War I ends
  • Gaining power "The Rise of Hitler"

    The nazis slowly gained strength.
  • Hitler starts to gain power

    Hitler becomes leader of NSDAP
  • Prison

    Hitler blamed the Jews for the loss of war, high employment, and high inflation after WWI. Hitler attempted to overthrow the Munich government. He went to prison and wrote about his master plan.
  • Released

    Hitler was released from prison.
  • "The Rise of Hitler"

    The combination of a decaying economic order and financial support of the Nazis by some wealthy industrialists, that the Nazis gained significant popular support.Hitler joined forces with Alfred Tyssen of the German steel trust, Emil Kidorf of the German coal industry and others.
  • Voting "The Rise of Hilter"

    In the Reichstag elections of 1928, the Nazis received about 800,000 votes and only 12 seats. By 1930, the Nazis gained over 6 million votes and 107 seats.
  • Voting2 "The Rise of Hitler"

    The Nazis received almost 14 million votes, 120 seats, and became the largest political party. The same year, Adolf Hitler became the first politician to make full use of the airplane for campaining. Hitler received over 13 million votes although Hidenburg won the election with over 19 million.
  • Hitler runs for president

    In the spring of 1932 Hitler ran for president against the incumbent Hindenburg, and had failed. Hindenburg was re-elected,but the Nazi party had increased its vote to thirteen-and-a-half million.
  • Chancellor of Germany

    President Von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany
  • Von Hidenburg- Germany

    President von Hidenburg appoints National Socialist party leader Adolf Hitler chancellor of German Federal Republic. Hitler tops a cabinet of three National Socialist ministers and eight ministers from other parties.
  • Disbanding- Germany

    In an effort to centralize political control, Hitler pressures von Hidenburg to disband Prussia's representative legislature. Similar actions in other states across Germany would follow.
  • Headlines

    Nazis Burn Reichstag Building, the Berlin SA involved,but the Dutch communists were blamed.
  • The Reichstag caught fire

    Marinus Van der Lubbe had been caught, tortured, and eventually confessed to starting the reichstag fire.
    Hitler was upset about the fire, ordered the hanging of the German Communist party leaders Hindenburg vetoed this decision. By Soren Swigart
  • Habeas- Corpus Germany

    President von Hidenburg declares a state of emergency, suspending habeas corpus and other civil liberties. (The state of emergency would remain in effect until Hitler's death.)
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    The Reichstag Fire Decree was issued after the fire suspending constituitonal rights and protection of the people.
  • Sneaky "Healines"

    Nazis overthrow government in Bavaria, and they take over key government posts.
  • Economy Act

    Roosevelt requests passage of Economy Act to cut government salaries and veterans pensions to ease strain on government budget. Bill passes March 20.
  • Volstead Act- United States

    Roosevelt requests amendment to Volstead Act to legalize and tax the sale of wine and beet, this increasing federal revenues. Passes April 1.
  • The Crowd Roars "Headlines"

    Reichstag passes the Enabling Law and a huge crowd roars approval outside. Hitler is free to make laws for four years.
  • Cabinet- Germany

    Reichstag passes Empowering aAct, surrendering its own constitutional authority to make law to chancellor Hitler and thr cabinet
  • NSP- Germany

    National Socialist Civil Service Act establisheds new standard for governemtn service., including removal of all non-Aryans and opponents ofd Nazi rule from the serivce
  • Healines

    Trade Union powers transferred to Nazi Labor fron. Strikes and collective bargaining are outlawed Trade leaders are sent to concentration camps.
  • Recovery Act- United States

    Congress authorizes National Industrial Recovery Act to revive business to decrease unemployment through increased business cooperation. Creates Public Works Administration to provide jobs through public works projects. (The Supreme Court would declare the NRA unconstitutional in 1936)
  • States Abolished "Headlines"

    Hitler decrees law for reconstruction of Reich. German state governments abolished, and powers of German states surrendered to Nazi party.
  • Headlines

    Nazis move against Social Democratic Party. They occupy party buildings and newspaper offices. Nazis confiscate Social Democratic Funds.
  • Communists Outlawed

    Nazis take over property and money of the Communist Party. The communist party is outlawes and they are barred from holding public office.
  • 'Healines 'Democratic Party

    Nazis abolish Social Democratic Party. They brand social democrats as enemies of the people. Social Democrats and barred from holding public office.
  • "Headlines" Revenge

    Nazis turn against the Nationalist Party and invade party offices all over Germany. Abolition of the party is inevitable.
  • Nuremberg Laws: extended to other groups"The first supplemental decree of the Nuremberg Laws extends the prohibition on marriage or sexual relations between people who could produce "racially suspect" offspring. A week later, the minister of the interior interprets this to mean relations between "those of German or related blood" and Roma (Gypsies), blacks, or their offspring."

    CLICK HERE FOR FULL LAW"The Reich Citizenship Law stripped Jews of their German citizenship and introduced a new distinction between “Reich citizens ” and “nationals.” Certificates of Reich citizenship were in fact never introduced and all Germans other than Jews were until 1945 provisionally classed as Reich citizens."
  • Nuremberg Laws: instituted

    "... Nazis announce new laws that revoke Reich citizenship for Jews and prohibit Jews from marrying or having sexual relations with persons of "German or related blood." "Racial infamy," as this becomes known, is made a criminal offense."
  • Nuremberg Laws: Define a Jew

    "... The Nuremberg Laws define a "Jew" as someone with three or four Jewish grandparents. Consequently, the Nazis classify as Jews thousands of people who had converted from Judaism to another religion, among them even Roman Catholic priests and nuns and Protestant ministers whose grandparents were Jewish."
  • Nuremberg laws

    "The laws excluded German Jews from Reich citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with persons of "German or related blood." "
  • Nuremberg Laws: Marriage requirements

    "The "Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People" requires all prospective marriage partners to obtain from the public health authorities a certificate of fitness to marry. Such certificates are refused to those suffering from "hereditary illnesses" and contagious diseases and those attempting to marry in violation of the Nuremberg Laws."
  • Kristallnacht

    The burning of jewish business, transporting of jews, and mob violence started the night of November 9th and lasted til the next day. Also known as Kristallnacht.
  • Post Kristallnacht

    Meeting was held by top Nazis concerning the economic impact of the damage and to discuss further measures to be taken against Jews.

    Source"Laws passed between 1933 and 1935 aimed to reduce the future number of genetic "inferiors" through involuntary sterilization programs: 320,000 to 350,000 individuals judged physically or mentally handicapped were subjected to surgical or radiation procedures so they could not have children. Supporters of sterilization also argued that the handicapped burdened the community with the costs of their care."
  • Nazis seize land

    Nazis seize Czechslovakia
  • German Jews & Government Jobs

    German Jews denied the right to hold government jobs
  • The start of the solution

    General Governor Hans Frank issues an ordinance that Jews ten years of age and older living in the general government has to wear the star of david
  • World War II

    Germany invade Poland, WWII starts
  • Deportation

    Many of the ghetto dwellers were from the local area. Others were from neighboring villages. In October 1941, general deportations began from Germany to major ghettos in Poland and further east. Also, Jews from Austria and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia were sent to the ghettos.
  • Invasion

    Germany invades USSR
  • The Poster: 1942-1943

    1942: The Allies bombed the German cities so in the poster they have a picture of children happy being sent off in a train with the slogan "Kinderlandverschickung" translated to "sending children to the countryside". The poster encourages parents to register their youth for the program.
    1943: The poster issued during the summer of an armed man collecting weapons from a civilian. Text on the poster translates to "Build Weapons for the Front."
  • SECRET JEWS "Jews Migrating to Puerto Rico"

    Jews were officially forbidden to settle in Puerto Rico, but they managed to settle on the island as secret Jews, also called Crypto Jews.

    The first large group of Jewish immigrants came in the 1930s and 1940s and were refugees fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe. The majority settled in the island's capital, San Juan, where in 1942 they established the first Jewish Community Center of Puerto Rico.
  • Hitler's end

    Hitler commits suicide
  • Ghettos

    By 1945 Nazis established 356 ghettos in Poland, Soviet Union, Hungary, Baltic states, Romania , & Czechslovakia
  • Persecution of Jews

    "Jews were labeled as atheists because they didn't believe in any Graeco-Roman Gods or goddesses. They were called enemies of tghe human race becausse they didn't eat the foods others did or mingle with them."