Antisemitism timeline

  • Nov 12, 1200

    Demonization 12th century

    Demonization 12th century
    this was the start of when jews began to be demonized by tales of horns and magical powers this would continue till the lae 19th century.
  • Dec 31, 1215

    The Yellow Star

    The Yellow Star
    The fourth lantern council issued that all jews and musilims must were the yellow star to identify who or what they are and would begin the constant humiliation of jews.
  • Feb 14, 1349

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    When the black Plauge began sweepping europe jews were taken as scapegoats and on this date the jews of Stangurg in France were burned alive for "Causeing the plauge".
  • Nov 12, 1478

    Spanish inquisition

    Spanish inquisition
    Isabella of Castile launches an Inquisition against converted Jews who secretly practice their original faith, persecuting the so-called Marranos (the word originally meant pigs).
  • Ghettos introduced

    Ghettos introduced
    During the second half of the 16th century ghettos were introduced, at first in Italy and afterward in the Austrian Empire. This segregation then served as a convenient additional demonstration of the error of Judaism.
  • emancipation

    he Jews of France were emancipated in 1791, it was largely the authority of the Enlightenment which overcame the objections of churchmen and gentile economic interests.
  • the Principles of equality

    the Principles of equality
    The European nations established in constitutions the principle of equality under law and dropped all restrictions on residence or occupationalactivities for jews
  • The jewish question

    The jewish question
    Eugen Karl Dîhring wrote The Jewish Question as a Racial, Moral and Cultural Question, in which he argued that Jews were causing Germany's decline, and that they constituted a "counter-race" which neither conversation nor assimilation could change
  • birth of hilter

    birth of hilter
    hitler bioAdolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in Braunau-am-Inn, Austria. The town is near to the Austro-German border, and his father, Alois, worked as a customs officer on the border crossing.
  • Protocols of the elders of zion

    Protocols of the elders of zion
    Publication that insited belief that of international conspirisces in russia and other countries
  • Hitler the vagabond

    Hitler the vagabond
    Klara Hitler died from cancer when Adolf was nineteen and from then onwards he had no relatives willing or able to support him. So, in 1909, he moved to Vienna in the hope of somehow earning a living.
  • Hitler joins the army

    Hitler joins the army
    in order to support himself hitler joins the army and fought bravely in WW1 and was promoted to the rank of corporal
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    treaty of versaillesGermany was forced to sign the treaty making them take full resposibility for World War 1
  • Leader of the Nazis-100 days

    Leader of the Nazis-100 days
    In 1921 hitler a war hero gains controle of the Nazi party
  • reichstag fire- 100 days

    reichstag fire- 100 days
    reichstag fire A fire at the German pariment that allowed Hitler to gain controle of Germany.
  • Nazis suspend all Civil liberties-100 days

    Nazis suspend all Civil liberties-100 days
    suspend civil libertiesThe day after the riechstag fire Hitler convinced Hindenburg to sign a decree that suspeneded most german civil liberties.
  • Reichstag passes enabling law- 100 days

    Reichstag passes enabling law- 100 days
    enabling lawThe Reichstag passess a law that gives Hitler complete controle over germany as a legal dictator
  • Trade union power is transfered to nazi labor front- 100 days

    Trade union power is transfered to nazi labor front- 100 days
    Nazi terror begins All independent trade unions our banned and destroyed while others are taken over by nazis
  • The Jewish Question

    The Jewish Question
    The jewish question This is a Name-Calling type of propoganda. it was used to inspire fear and create a enemy for the people to rally against.
  • Kristallnacht

    kristallnachtThe night of broken glass in whitch nazi officers smashed in the windows of every jewish owned store they could find.
  • German State Goverment abolished- Headline

    German State Goverment abolished- Headline
    hitlers power timeline
    The Riechstag is dissoleved and hitler obtains pure power
  • Communist party Outlawed- Headline

    Communist party Outlawed- Headline
    How hitler consolidated power time lineThe communist party is banned and all money that belonged to the pary is tranphered to hitlers personal account
  • Jews leave Germany for England- headline

    Jews leave Germany for England- headline
    Jews in Britainovert 74,000 jews left Germany before WWII to escape the Nuremburg laws.