Antisemitism Timeline

  • Nov 12, 1215

    Fourth Lateran Council Issues Canons

    The Fourth Lateran Council issues "laws" to the Jewish people. Jews have to wear a distinguishing mark on heir clothing and are forced to live in segregated quarters. They also can't put interest on loans to Christians. Christians can't do business with Jews who don’t obey Church rules. Jews are not allowed to hold public office. Jews are also prohibited from hiring Christian women of child bearing age as servants.
  • Jul 10, 1236

    Crusading monks in France

    After crusading monks in Anjou, France trampled Jews, they left three thousand dead and destroyed the community.
  • Nov 16, 1347

    The Black Plague

    After a Genovese tailor ship arrived in a port with its crew dead and dying, it marked the beggining of the Black plague. Jews were soon blamed for the poisioning wells even though they had nothing to do with it. In 2 years, over 24 million died and eventually the Pope declared the jews innocent. Exact day unknown.
  • Nov 17, 1442

    Pope Eugenius IV Issues Restrictions

    Pope Eugenius IV issues an edict that banned many privledges for Jews. He prohibited the building of synagogues, money-lending for interest, holding public office, and testifying against Christians. Jews reacted by meeting in Tivoli and Ravenna but unfortunately had no success. Many of these Jews moved to other areas of Italy. The exact date is uknown.
  • Nov 16, 1475

    Blood Libel

    In Trent, Jews were falsly accused of murdering a Christian child. This case caused an uproar within the community and contributed to the expolsuion of Jews in spanish countries. Exact day uknown.
  • Nov 17, 1573

    Cinque Scole Synagogue

    Between 1573-1581, the Cinque Scole Synagogue emerged in the ghetto in Rome. When the ghetto was established in 1555, the Jews were permitted only one synagogue, regardless of the fact there were multiple different branches of religions. This caused conflict and was eventually destroyed in 1910.
    The exact date is uknown.
  • Jews Are Ghettoized Again

    Old rulers in Italy gain power once again and as a result the Jews are again ghettoized. The restrictions against them are put in place again. Exact date is unknown.
  • Napoleon Frees the Jews

    Napoleon frees the Jews from the ghetto of Florence. Unfortunately they are forced to return in 1815 because of the restoration of the House of Lorraine. Exact date is unknown.
  • Assassination of Alexander II

    After his assassination, the government welcomed the diversion of the Jewish minority. This caused the shaking up of the foundations of Jewish life and also provoked the big waves in emigration to the West. Book- History of the Holocaust. Author- Yehuda Bauer
  • Hitler is Homeless in Vienna

    Hitler was homeless from 1908- 1913 in Vienna. His friend from his hometown of Linz, August Kubizek, also came to Vienna and they roomed together. In Vienna, Hitler continued the same lazy lifestyle he had enjoyed in Linz after dropping out of school.
  • Hitler serves in World War I

    Hitler serves in World War I as a runner for the 16th Bavarian Reserve Regiment.
  • Were Jews in France after World War II?

    France faced an increase in Jewish immigration in the early 1900's. More than 25,000 Jews came to France between 1881 and 1914. Immigrants hailed from all over Europe and the Ottoman Empire. The Federation des Societes Juif de France was established in 1923 to take care of the needs of the French Jewish community.
  • Serbian Desire to Create South Slav a State

    In the Balkans, after the chaotic conditions of the First World War, there became a desire to create a nation-state among the peoples of South Slav. Since they were ruled by Austria- Hungary, they did not have nearly the freedom of other countries. This caused the discussion of a "Greater Serbia" and the prime minister agreed that making South Slav a state would be a great decision. Exact date uknown.
    Book: Encyclopedia of World War 1, Volume 4
    Author: Spencer Tucker
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918. The treaty was signed at the vast Versailles Palace near Paris between Germany and the Allies. The three most important politicians there were David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson. Author: Chris Trueman
  • Hitler renames the German Workers Party

    Hitler renames the German Workers' Party as the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or Nazi Party.
  • Hitler makes his National Socialist Party greater in parliament

    New elections were held in the German parliament due to economic bad times. The biggest winner in these elections was Hitler's National Socialist Party. From twelve seats in parliament they increased their seats to 107, becoming Germany's second largest political party.
  • Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag caught fire and when the police arrived they found Marinus van der Lubbe on the premises. After being tortured by the Gestapo he eventually confessed to starting the Reichstag Fire but denied that he was part of a Communist conspiracy. Hermann Goering refused to believe him and he ordered the arrest of several leaders of the German Communist Party.
  • March 9, 1933 (Headline)

    The Nazies overthrow the government in Bavaria and they take over the key government posts.
  • January 30, 1934 (Headline)

    Hitler decrees law for the reconstruction of Reichstag and the German state governments are abolished. The powers of the German states surrender to the Nazi party.
  • August 2, 1934 (Headline)

    President Hindenburg dies which makes Hitler president and chancellor. The German army takes the Oath of Allegiance to Hitler.
  • Most important headline from 1934: Hitler becomes president of Germany!

    The most important headline in 1934 is when Hitler is elected president of Germany. Hitler had Roem executed without trial, which encouraged the army and other reactionary forces within the country to urge Hitler to rise to power. Intimidation, and fear of the communists, brought Hitler a 90 percent majority.
  • Nurember Law: Reich Citizenship

    This Nurember Law is the epitomy of what a Reich citizen is and what they have to do in order to get a citizenship certificate. The sections within this law in depth explain the Germans view of what a Reich citizen should look and be like. They made it like this because they wanted to make it very clear and very impossible to those who are not full German blood.
  • Nuremberg Law: Marriage Requirements Implimented

    The Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People requires all aspiring marriage partners to obtain a certificate from the public health authorities in order to become married. The certificates are refused to those suffering from "hereditary illnesses" and contagious diseases and those attempting to marry in violation of the Nuremberg Laws. It was impossible to become married if both partners weren't German blood.
  • Nurember Law: The first regulation to the Reich citizenship law

    This Nuremberg law explains more in depth as to who a true Reich citizen is. The Germans regulated the previous law and made this one even more impossible for non-german blooded people to become citizens.
  • Concentration camps: Buchenwald labor camp

    Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps. It was established in 1937 in a wooded area in east-central Germany. SS authorities opened Buchenwald for male prisoners in July 1937. Women were not part of the Buchenwald camp system until late 1943. Between July 1937 and April 1945, the SS imprisoned some 250,000 persons from all countries.The SS murdered at least 56,000 male prisoners there.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht or The Night of Broken Glass, all began when Herschel Grynszpan shot and killed a member of the German Embassy staff. He did it in retaliation to the Nazis in Germany because of how poorly they treated his family. On November 9, violence broke out as Nazi storm troopers, members of the SS and Hitler Youth beat and murdered Jews, broke into and wrecked Jewish homes, and brutalized Jewish women and children.
  • Nuremberg Law: The regulation for the elimination of Jews from the economic life of Germany

    This Nuremberg law basically takes away all Jewish rights in the German community. Hitler restricts any Jew from being involved in any economic aspect in Germany. He thought that they were harming the German life by just existing so he made them as non-important as possible.
  • Nuremberg Law: Establishment of the Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration

    This Nuremberg law institutes the laws regarding emigration for the Jewish people. Hitler advocates his reasons as to why Jewish people are detrimental to the German economy and what needs to be done in order to stop it.
  • Propaganda (Invasion of Russia)

    Hitler talks about the invasion of Russia. He tells the German people that he has tried to settle everything peacefully, but that didn't work out. They decided to invade Russia with armed forces. Everyone was very surprised to the attack. http://www.calvin.ed/academic/cas/gpa/hitler4.htm
  • Concentration Camps: Treblinka Death camp

    Treblinka was an extermination camp on the Bug River in the General Government. It opened in July 1942 and was the largest of the three Operation Reinhard killing centers. Between 700,000 and 900,000 people were killed there. An infamous retaliation on August 2, 1943, destroyed most of the camp, and it was closed in November 1943.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    April 19- May 19 1943.
    After the Jewish people in the Warsaw Ghetto learned they were going to be deported, a group of people formed an organization in retaliation called the Z.O.B. Then the German commander ordered the ghetto to be burned to the ground. The Jews held out against the overwhelming force for 27 days. 300 Germans and 7,000 Jews were killed in the uprising, and another 7,000 Jews were deported to Treblinka.
  • The Nuremberg Trials and Participants (1)

    The trials were held in the city of Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany, in 1945-46, at the Palace of Justice. Twenty two of the most important Nazi leaders were captured and tried there. These are the accusers verdicts: Martin Bormann- Death, Karl Donitz- 10 years, Hans Frank- Death, Wilhelm Frick- Death, Hans Fritzsche- Acquitted, Walther Funk- Life imprisonment, Hermann Goring- Death, Rudolf Hess- Life imprisonment, Alfred Jodl- Death, Ernest Kaltenbrunner- Death, Wilhelm Keitil- Death (cont)
  • The Nuremberg Trials Participants & Verdicts continued (2)

    Baron Neurath- 15 years, Franz Papen- Acquitted. Erich Raeder- Life imprisonment, Joachim Ribbentrop- Death, Alfred Rosenberg- Death, Fritz Sauckel- Death, Dr Hjalmar Schacht- Acquitted. Baldur Schirach- 20 years, Arthur Seyssinquart- Death, Albert Speer- 20 years, Julius Streicher- Death. The judges were John Parker, Francis Biddle, Alexander Volchkov, Iola Nikitchenko, Geoffrey Lawrence, Norman Birkett, Henri Donnedieu de Vabres and
    Robert Falco.