american revolution

  • Period: to

    american revolution

  • Sugar Act

    It was an act that put $0.3 tax on any sugar thing was imported including molasses.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    All colonists were required to put a special tax stamp on most legal paper work
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    An organized group called the Sons of Liberty threatened tea merchents and ship captiens. Though no tea was unloaded in Philadelphia,New York , and other ports. Yet the governer of Masschusetts made sure the tea would unload in boston so the night it was there the group dressed up as indians and dumped 342 casses of tea into the harbor.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The first continental congress met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was also where the Pennsylvania Congress meet. The continental congress met there from sep.5, 1774 to oct.26, 1774
  • Batlle of Bunker Hill

    Batlle of Bunker Hill
    The americans were workers and farmers defitnaly not trained soldiers. Though with not that much of amunition, we won the first 2 attacks. The only reason they won the 3rd attack was because we ran out of amunition
  • Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge

    Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge
    NC patriots removed planks of the Moore's creek bridge so the british couldn't get across.
  • Declaration of Indepedence

    Declaration of Indepedence
    A document declaring independance of the United States of America. The document was signed by many people including John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, and many others. All together their were 56 signers
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The very last battle fought in the war against the British.