9/11 Event Timeline

  • Flight 11 Takes Off

    Flight 11 Takes Off
    7:59 American Airlines Flight 11 takes off, with 92 passengers, intended for Los Angeles
  • Flight 175 takes off

    Flight 175 takes off
    8:14 United Airlines Flight 175 takes off from Boston also intended for Los Angeles. It holds 65 people.
  • Flight 77 Takes Off

    Flight 77 Takes Off
    8:20 American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Dulles International Airport headed for Los Angeles. There is 64 people on board.
  • Flight 93 Takes Off

    Flight 93 Takes Off
    8:41 United Airlines Flight 93 departs from Newark International Airport, headed for San Francisco.
    It holds 44 people and departs 41 minutes late.
  • Flight 11 Crash

    Flight 11 Crash
    8:46 American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into floors 93-99 of the North Tower. Everyone on board is killed, as are hundreds inside the building.
  • Flight 175 Crash

    9:03 United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into floors 75-85 of the South Tower. This kills all of its passengers and hundreds in the building. https://youtu.be/mQl798fUL2s
  • Flight 77 Crash

    9:37 Flight 77 crashes into the pentagon killing it’s 59 passengers and 125 inside the building. https://youtu.be/P5FtRZP8dSI
  • South Tower Collapses

    9:59 The WTC South Tower collapses. https://youtu.be/zdOFaMoDwWYj
  • Flight 93 Crash

    10:07 In response to its passengers atempts to regain control of the plane, the hijackers crash United Airlines Flight 93 into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. https://youtu.be/MfJfbbVHpBE
  • North Tower Collapse

    10:28 The WTC North Tower Collapses. https://youtu.be/SYUx5zJ3yss