Road to Revolution

  • Thesis

    Great Britian pushed it's American colonies to the tipping point by taxing them in everyway they could, eventually causing the Revolutionary War.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was a war between the English against the French and a portion of North American Indians. During the first couple years of the war, the French won the large majority of the battles, but the tides started to turn once the English focused on capturing the large important forts, which they did. England and the American colonies eventually won, and France lost all it's territory in the New World. Because of this war, the British ended up in much debt and looked to the...
  • French and Indian War Part 2

    French and Indian War Part 2
    colonies for help.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    The Albany Plan of Union was an idea proposed by the Albany Congress to try to unite the colonies. At the time, it was important for the colonies to unite because it would allow a greater, more stable defence against opposing France. This was the first attempt at intercolonial unity, and through this, the idea of home rule arose.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    Before the Battle of Quebec, England and the American colonies were losing virtually all the battles during the first couple years of the war. The Battle of Quebec was the turning point for the English, who captured the territory under commander James Wolfe. Following this, Montreal was seized, and France was kicked out of the country.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the settlement made concluding the French and Indian War. It removed all French territory from North America, splitting all explored land between the Spanish and English. The Spanish recieved all land west of the Mississippi River, and the English recieved all land east.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 was created by the British, and it prohibited colonists to settle in any land over the Appalachian Mountains. This was enacted mainly to keep peace between the Indians and Americans, to avoid any conflict. The colonists were rightfully angry, for they won much of the land beyond the Appalachians through the victory over the French and Indians.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act cut the rate of tax on molasses in half, but also put a tax on foreign goods such as sugar, coffee, etc. George Grenville's intended purpose of this act was to reduce smuggling, but no such thing happened.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act is the most infamous act in history. It required stamped paper to be used for basically everythin, from legal documents to newspapers and playing cards. A colonist would recieve this stamped paper by paying a tax, and the stamp would confirm the payment of such tax. Americans violently protested this tax, saying this and all the other taxes were unfair because colonists were not fairly represented. This created the now famous slogan "No taxation without representation!"
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    Quartering Act of 1765
    Prime Minister Grenville strengthened the British troops in the colonies, in case of any remaining threats from the French and Indians. Thus brought up the quartering act, which required colonists to provide basic needs for the soldiers, such as food, shelter, a bed to sleep in, supplies, etc. This act was proposed in the midst of colonists already protesting previous acts like the stamp act, and, like the stamp act, was not recieved well. Americans did not want to spend money for these...
  • Quartering Act Part 2

    Quartering Act Part 2
    soldiers who they saw as unnecessary.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act Congress was created for the sole purpose of repealing the Stamp Act. This congress, which was made up of 27 delegates, wrote down their rights and why this act acted against those rights. They sent letters to the king, but the Stamp Act Congress did raise much attention.
  • Repeal of the Stamp Act

    Repeal of the Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was repealed on March 17, 1766, and America rejoiced. Protests stopped, and New York even made a statue of King George III in his honor. This repeal showed colonists that they did have the power to change things that they did not want, that they could influence England
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    The same time the Stamp Act was repealed, the Declatory Act was passed. This act stated that Parliament power is the same in America as it is in Britian, and that Parliament had the right to make laws binding in the colonies. Most Americans were so busy rejoicing the repeal of the Stamp Act, that they didn't even notice this act until much later.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend Acts were created by Charles Townshend, and they were a series of laws, the most important being the small tax on imported glass, paper, paind, and tea. Also the income of these acts would pay the salaries of governers and judges in North America. Not surprisingly, the colonists did not favor these acts, and some protested, but not nearly to the level of protest that the Stamp Act created.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre occured in 1770 when a crowd of around 60 colonists started messing with a group of redcoats. The colonists were insulting the soldiers, and started phisically abusing them. The provoked redcoats, without order, open fired on the colonists. Eleven citizens were wounded or killed, This event shows the obvious tension Americans had with the British.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonists were still angered by the taxes on goods, so one day in 1773, Massachusetts officials refused to ship taxed tea to Britian. While the tea was just sitting on the boat unguarded, a group of extremists boarded the boat dressed as Indians and threw all the tea overboard. This was a huge message to Britian, saying that Americans will not take it anymore.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The intolerable acts were passed by Britian as a sort of consequence of the Boston Tea Party. These acts basically punished Massachusetts in several ways, the most radical being the Boston Port Act, which closed the Boston Harbor for a uncertain amount of time. Restrictions were made, chartered rights were taken away, and now officials could be taken to England for trial. This is another example of England taking advantage of the American colonies, and how tensions were again strained.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was passed around the same time as the intolerable acts, and many regarded both as being the same. It gave the conquered French subjects their Catholic religion, along with many of their customs. It also expanded the previous boundaries of the Providence of Quebec. The French Canadians saw this as unfair, but the Americans saw it as being harmful to the country.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress consisted of 12 of the 13 colonies (Georgia being the only one left out), who looked to right the wrongs, such as the intolerable acts, that were put on them by Parliament. They created The Association, and also boycotted goods and passed resolutions. This Congress did not advocate independence, but was completely anti-England.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the first battle of the American Revloution. The battle was between Great Britian and it's American colonies. The American colonies felt that they had enough, and finally decided to fight for their independence. They saw all the taxes and acts unfair, and were willing to give blood for their freedom from England.