80's Technology

  • Apple II Personal Computer

    Apple II Personal Computer
    Apple came out with the Apple II, it has a max RAM space of 48 Kilobytes
  • The Atari 2600

    The Atari 2600
    While it was originally released in 1977, the Atari caught attention in 1982 for the game "Space Invaders"
  • Sony Walkmans

    Sony Walkmans
    Sony managed to minimize the cassette player into a handheld(ish) device.
  • Analog Cell Phones (DynaTAC)

    Analog Cell Phones (DynaTAC)
    The first ever cell-phone. This photo is of the DynaTAC, it cost $4,000 specifically because you were also playing for the rates of putting in the telephone towers. It was 2.5 pounds and 9 inches tall, it's battery life was 35 minutes!
  • Windows 1.0

    Windows 1.0
    The creation of Microsoft Windows 1.0! Microsoft created it in response to Apple's first Macintosh Personal Computer (Mac)