Afghanistan is founded
In 1747, Ahmad Shah Durrani, the founder of what is known today as Afghanistan, established his rule. -
Two Anglo-Afghan Wars
After a difficult advance under harassment from tribal guerillas, the city of kandaharis captured -
A woman from the small village of Khig, named Malalai, played a major role in the battle of Maiwand during the second Anglo-Afghan war. -
Afganistan gains independence
Afganistan gained independence from British occupying forces. This period of relative stability ended in 1973 when King Zahir Shah was overthrown while away in Europe. -
The Treaty of Rawalpindi
Afghanistan signed , Which ended the Third Anglo-Afghan War and marks Afganistan's offical date of independence. -
Zahir Shan
Amanullah's nephew Mohammad Zahir Shan, the last king of Afghanistan, began a 40 year reign -
Female Secondary School
First secondary female school was established in Kabul. -
The Democratic Organization of Afghan Women (DOAW) was formed. DOAW worked against illiteracy, forced marriages and bride prices. -
The 1st Miss Afghanistan
Zohra Yusuf Daoud was crowned as the first Miss Afghanistan. There was no swimsuit competition, however, there was an evening gown competition. -
Decree is passed
Compulsory education for girls. Bride price was abolished. Minimum legal age for marriage for girls was set at 16. -
Khatol Mohammadzai
Khatol Mohammadzai became Afghanistan's first woman paratrooper. She later becomes a General in the Afghan National Army. -
The Soviets withdraw
The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in defeat and disgrace. this was a great & consequential victory for Afghan fighters, achieved w/ assistance from the United States -
Civil War and the Taliban
Afghanistan descended into a civil war that further ravaged the economy -
Taliban advances on Kabul
The Taliban advanced on Kabul, squeezing Hekmatyar between their forces & the forces Defense Minister Masood -
Air Strikes
The US border launched air strikes against training camps near the Pakistan border. -
Taliban take control
The Taliban took control of the predominantly Hazara town of Bamian west of Kabul -
The Tashkent Declaration
The Six Plus Two contact group issued the "Tashkent Declaration" which called on all parties to resolve the conflict thorugh peaceful political negoiation -
United States government declared political and economical sanction against the Taliban
the United States government declared political and economical sanction against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan because of holding and supporting Saudi billionaire Ben Laden. -
Osma bin Laden
Taliban offer talks between Afghanistan and the US Government including the future of Osma bin Laden -
Taloqan is captured
The Taliban captured Taloqan -
Taliban become a sub army
The Taliban became a sub army of Osama Bin Laden who began to pay the leaders of the Taliban and directly influenced the Taliban movement. -
The Taliban dynamites the Buddhas
The Taliban dynamited the Buddhas of Bamiyan giant statues, greatworks of religion and art built in the 6th century -
Masood's regain territory
Masood's forces had regained territory to the north & east of Taloqan but remained well outside the city itself. -
Al Qaeda Bombers
Two Al Qaeda suicide bombers disguised as Arab reporters seeking to interview Ahmad Shan Masood with hidden bomb in a video camera and around their waist -
The Afghanistan Copmpact
The Afghanistan Copmpact, went into effect to set goals for international assistance in economic development.