Ch. 17 by Grace S

  • Erat undecimā horā.

    it is the elevinth hour
  • Raeda adhuc in fossā manebat, raedarius eam movere nōn poterat.

    The carrage remands in the ditch, and the carrige drive was no able to move it.
  • Caupona est. Visne igitur ibi pernoctare, domine?”

    "it is an inn. what do you want us to do master. "
  • Clamat Aurelia, “O me miseram!

    Aurelia says, " Oh, poor me."
  • In caupona pernoctare timeo.”

    "I am affraid of spending the night at the inn."
  • "Omnes caupones nōn sunt scelestī. lle caupō est amicus meus. Graecus est et vir bonus.”

    " Not every innkeepers are bad. My friend is the innkeeper. Greeks are good men."
  • “Cornēlius est senator Romanus. Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.”

    " Cornelius is the senetor of Rome. Senitors of Rome do not spend the night in inns."
  • Cornelius tamen, “Quid facere possumus?” inquit. “Hīc in Viā Appiā pernoctare non possumus.

    Cornelius however, " What am i able to do?" _______." We can not spend the night in the Via Appia."
  • Necesse est igitur ad cauponam ire

    therefore it is nessisary to sleep in the inn
  • Eucleides Cornelios ad cauponam dūcēbat, raedarius solus in viā manebat; raedam et equos custodiebat.

    Eucleides leads the courneli twaords the inn, but
  • Itaque, dum Eucleides Cornelios ad cauponam dūcēbat, raedarius solus in viā manebat; raedam et equos custodiebat

    Eucleides show the way twords the inn, but corneials tells him to stay and gaurd the hourses and carrige.