make-up 1940's
Natural beauties (natural with "a little support") were the ideal of the forties. Face powder was used to match the skin or to gave a nice rosy glow. For the eye dark brown or black mascara and a small eyeliner was used. Eyeshadows mostly varied in muted grays and browns.For lips all shades of red including clear bright reds, cherry reds, pinkish reds, and orange reds were popular.It was popular to wear nail polish according to clothes and accessories. -
make-up 1950
Like many other retro trends , 1950's make-up is fashionable again.
a good way to begin wpuld be to go in for turquoise eye shades which were a rage during the 1950's.Try putting on a cherry red lipstick. -
Make-up 1960's
make-up 1970's
make-up 1980's
make-up 1990's