
Toddler / Preschooler Timeline

By chim
  • 13 to 15 pysical

    13 to 15 pysical
    may stand erect with only slight support.
  • Period: to

    Toddler Years

  • 13 to 15 cognitive

    13 to 15 cognitive
    begins to form concepts. slowly increases vocabulary to four to six words.
  • 16 to 18 congnitive

    16 to 18 congnitive
    graduallyu refinesd concepts. vocab increases to 6 to 10 words. Notices actions of other children and adults, love music.
  • 16 to 18 puysical

    16 to 18 puysical
    may be able to walk sidways. stands on either foot with support. Walks fas and runs stiftly. W#alks into ball, is unable to kick the ball.
  • 19 to 21 pysical

    19 to 21 pysical
    walks sideways and backwards. runs without falling often. Walks up and down stairs with help. Responds rhythmically to music with whole body.
  • 19 to 21 cognative

    19 to 21 cognative
    prgressses from simple imitation to imaginative play. has a vocab of about 20 words. can remember familar objectrs without seeing them.
  • 22 to 24 pysical

    22 to 24 pysical
    walks with more coordinatio0n and assurace. Walks sideways and backward with ease. Bopunces and sways in simple damcing.
  • 22 to 24 cognative

    22 to  24 cognative
    becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves. Becomes interested in the precise ploacement of objects; enjoys form boards and simple puzzles.
  • 24 to 30 physical

    24 to 30 physical
    improves motor skills as torso lengthens and babyu fat begins to disappear. Enjoys running nut is unable to measure sudden stops. May collide with other people or obstacles.
  • 24 to 30 cognative

    24 to 30 cognative
    becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows. understands cause an effect in terms of own behavior. Is better able to plan a play activity and carry it out.
  • 30 to 36 physical

    30 to 36 physical
    likes tio be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backwards. Enjoys games involving running. Goes up stairs by alternating feet, but goes down one foot at a time.
  • 30 to 36 cognative

    30 to 36 cognative
    Begins to classify objects into general categories. Uses symblolic representation in make-believe play. tries out vari0ous poles in make-believe play.
  • 4 years old pysical

    4 years  old pysical
    improves overall coordination. Walks with good posture. Still has protruding abdomen but body is lengthening. has well-refined pincer grasp but hand manipulation is clumsy. Builds cooked block towers.
  • 4 year old social/emotional

    4 year old social/emotional
    Personality may seem less pleasant than at age three. May be more moody, tries to express empotions verbally. Strives for independence; resents bein treated as a baby.
  • 4 year old activity

    4 year old activity
    Outdor transparent painting. Let child go outside and hang a plastic sheet over the fenece. then leth the child paint on the plastic. helps develop large and small motor skills.
  • 5 year old physical

    5 year old physical
    Performs physical activities more gracefully and with less wasted motion. Likes to climb and play on jungle gym and other outdoor play equipment. Shows improved eye-hand coordination.
  • 5 year old social/emotional

    5 year old social/emotional
    Shows increased willingness to cooperate. Is more patient, generous, and conscientious. Expresses anger verbally rather than physically. Is more reasonable when in a quarrel.
  • 5 year old activity

    5 year old activity
    hop scotch. draw boxes on the chalk and have the child roll a die to see how far they have to jump. repeat this until everyone has gone.
  • 6 year old social/emotional

    6 year old social/emotional
    Becomes more socially independen; chooses own friends. May feel less jealous of siblings as outside intreasts become more important. is still egocentric, but is becoming interested in group activies.
  • 6 year old pysical

    6 year old pysical
    Body becomes more slender with longer arms and legs; babyhood physique contiunues to dissappear. Loses baby teeth, which are replaced by the first permanent teeth. Is constastantly active.
  • 6 year old activity

    6 year old activity
    learning to use the sense of touch hae your child feel a lot of different shaped objectes and guess what they are.