
5 Points in History That Shaped Today's Education

  • First Public School

    First Public School
    Boston Latin School was the first public school in the US and this was important as they focused more on the humanities and the ancient Greeks, it has taught it's scholars responsibilities and five students that attended Boston Latin School signed the Declaration of Independence. Having a public school, and at this time was only for boys, it still started to create what built the public schools we have today.
  • Birth of Teachers Union (NEA)

    Birth of Teachers Union (NEA)
    Whether you are apart of the union, it is there to protect teachers, and give them their rights in the profession. They continue to advocate for teachers on their behalf, and in a controversial society, some situations it can't hurt to have some backing.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The case of Brown v. Board of Education started the ball of a long road to desegregate schools. Without the start of this process our schools could potentially still be separate, and definitely not equal. Creating today's schools that strive to create an environment that includes everyone no matter the race, religion, etc. and equal, although easier said then done, it is still in effect.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    The starting effects of Title IX has allowed today's society to be as far progressed as it is. The Title IX Act still effects us today as programs present about the act in schools to educate students the importance to protect against sexual discrimination, as it is in affect in any federally funded program. Today's society spends a large amount of time in such places throughout their lives.
  • No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

    No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
    This act created a way for schools to help provide better resources for their students. The act helped hold schools accountable for students struggling, forcing schools to push in a little more energy to those struggling. With the act implemented it has raised the population's education test scores, thus helping boost the country's economic status in the long run. The act was not signed into law until 2002.