McKeown-The Great

By period3
  • 320

    Hellenistic Period.

    Hellenistic Period.
    This is a period of great Greek culture.
  • 320

    Aristoxenus defines rhythm.

    He defines rhthm as an arrangement of time-periods.
  • 323

    Alexander dies.

    Alexander dies in Babylon from a mystery.
  • 324

    Alexander marries Roxan.

    Alexander marries Roxan after asking her.
  • 326

    Bucephales dies.

    Bucephales dies from old age.
  • 330

    Rain is measured in India.

    India uses Iron to measure rain.
  • 331

    Alexander defeated King Darius to become KIng of Persia.

    Alexander kills Darius after a huge battle.
  • 332

    Alexander became Pharaoh.

    Alexander was dubbed god when he conqured Persia and became Phraoh.
  • 333

    Alexander slovles the Gordian Knot.

    Alexander slovles the Gordian Knot by cutting it in half.
  • 334

    Alexander conquered the countries in the East.

    He sent many different spicies to his old teacher.
  • 334

    Alexander won his 1st battle against Persia.

    Alexander won his first battle.
  • 340

    Aristotle lays the foundations of musical theory.

    Aristotle lays the foundations of musical theory.
    Aristotle considered epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, dithyrambic poetry and music ti be the musical theory.
  • 343

    Aristotle became Alexander's teacher.

    Aristotle became Alexander's teacher.
    Aristotle taught Alexander math, democracy, and botany.
  • 347

    Alexander tames Bucephales.

    Alexander tamed the wildest horse and named him Bucephales.
  • 350

    The Greek theater Epidaurus was built.

    This theater was a sanctuary.
  • 356

    Alexander's Birth

    Alexander's Birth
    Alexander was born at the same time a temple was burned time.
  • 360

    The Olympics.

    In the Olympics the athletes had to compete naked.
  • Alexander helped his Dad conquere Greece.

    Alexander became a general at the age of 16.
  • Corinth becomes a trading center.

    Corinth is now the captial Corinthia.
  • First Roman coins.

    First Roman coins.
    The first silver Roman coin was the didrac.
  • Alexander tricks ambassadors

    Alexander tricked ambassadors from Persia into revealing military information.
  • Philip 2 built the Philippeion.

    Philip built the Philppeion in honor of the Olmpics.
  • Leonidas became Alexander's teacher.

    Leonidas taught Alexander on military and fighting.
  • Alexander became king.

    Alexander's Dad wad assinated.
  • Aristotle was born.

    Aristotle was born.
    Aristotle was born in Stagira in north Greece.