
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    prohibiting all immigration of chinese laborers
  • Jim Crow laws

    state and local laws that enforced racial seegation in the southern united states
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    during world war 1 germany attacked the lusitania which sank 1,198 people were drowne including 128 americans
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    it was a secret alliace between germany and mexico
  • Sedition Act

    an act of the united states congress hat extended the espinoage act of 1917
  • Red Scare

    fear of the rise of communism anarchism or radical leftism
  • 18th ammendment

    alchohlic beverages where not allowed in the united states
  • 19th ammendment

    the united states prohibits he states and federal goverment from denying the right to vote
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    a united states law that only allowed certain amount of immigrants to come into the us from any country
  • john Scopes - The Monkey Trial

    a substitue high school teacher was accused of violating tennessees butler act
  • Eugene V. Debs

    an american union leader
  • 20th amendment

    moved the beginning and ending of the terms of the president and vice presient from march 4 to january 20th
  • 21 amendment

    repealed the 18th amendment which had probibted alchohl