
  • Douglas MacArthur

    Douglas MacArthur
    Douglas MacArthur was born in Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Went to west point

    Went to west point
    He went to West Point to follow in his fathers footsteps.
  • Fought in WW1

    Fought in WW1
    He wanted to join because he thought it was a worthy cause
  • Becomes a 4 star General

    Becomes a 4 star General
    He became a 4 star General right when WW1 ended
  • starts to fight in WW2

    starts to fight in WW2
    He lost his first batle of WW2 at the Phillippines but took it back.
  • WW2 ends

    WW2 ends
    WW2 ends but MacArthur has another war to fight
  • MacArthur in Japan

    MacArthur in Japan
    MacArthur stays in Japan
  • MacArhtur dies

    MacArhtur dies
    MacArthur dies soon after he back to the u.s.
  • Korean war starts

    Korean war starts
    MacArthur is called back to fight another war.
  • MacArthur resives medal after death

    MacArthur resives medal after death
    He was given the Medal of honor after he died