Review time line

  • invention of the telegraph

    Samual Morse
  • homestead act

    Offered 160 acres of land to settlers.
  • End of civil war

    Lee surrendered to Grant in Virginia on April 9th.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Went mainly to immigrants and African Americans.
  • Boss Tweed jailed

    Leader of NYC democratic political machine that stole millions of money.
  • battle of little bighorn

    US ordered to round up indians in area after gold was discovered, but indians mobilized and defeated the US.
  • telephone is invented

    Alexander Gram Bell
  • end of reconstruction

    President Hayes removed troops from the south.
  • chinese exclusion act

    Law to limit immigration, prohibited chinese from entering US for ten years.
  • Pendleton Act is passed

    Established civil service comission to set up competitive examinations for federal jobs.
  • Time zones

    Created after completion of railroad to help regulate time in the US.
  • Dawes act

    US goverenment abolishes indian tribes and makes offical plans to send them to school.
  • sherman Anti-trust Act is passed

    Made monopolies illegal.
  • battle of wounded knee

    Last battle between US and indians.
  • Ellis island opens

    A station that immigrants were tested in New York.
  • Model T invented

    Henry Ford