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  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    French and Indian War - WikipediaThe French and Indian War was a war fought between the British and the French which involved Indians. It was fought of land in the Ohio River Valley. Another reason was competition for frading alliances with the natives.
  • The Proclamation Line

    The Proclamation Line
    Royal Proclamation of 1763After the war, the colonists begin to move further west because the French no longer occupy that territory but then fighting with the Natives increases. King George creates a line after the end of the Applachians. Colonists are not allowed to settle west of the line. Makes the colonists very mad because they fought the war for that landand now they can't settle there.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Stamp Act - WikipediaThe Stamp Act was a tax on all printed goods in the colonies. It differed from the previous taxes because it was a direct tax. (Added to the price) In response to the Atmp Act, colonists protested in two major ways. Boycotts and non-importation agreement. The refused to buy or sell British goods or printed goods.
  • Quartering Act (First)

    Quartering Act (First)
    Quartering Act - WikipediaThe Quartering Act requires that Americans must house and feed British soldiers in the colonies. Makes colonists very angry. They don't think that they should have to do anything for the British. The British say that the soliders are there for protection. The colonists don't think they need any.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Sugar Act - WikipediaLowered the taxes from the Molasses Act of 1733 but this still favored the British. The goal was to decrease colonial smuggling in the West Indies. An indirect tax was added to the cost of sugar. This gave British Writs of Assistance which allowed them to board and search any ship entering or leaving America.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    Declaratory Act - WikipediaAfter repealing the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts, parliament passed the Declaratory Act. This act claimed that all the laws passed by the British werte superior to those of the Americans. In the colonies there were both loyalists (Bristish supporters) and Patriots (who supported independence from Britain.
  • Townshend Duties

    Townshend Duties
    Townshend ActsThe imported duties placed on paper, glass, paint and tea. After several boycotss from oclonists, the British again repealed this act in just four years (1 770) but they keep the tax on tea to show that parliament still has the aouthority over American colonists.
  • Tea Act, Boston Tea Party

    Tea Act, Boston Tea Party
    Boston Tea Party - WikipediaColonists dressed up as Indians and threw all the tea over board into the ocean. They were mad because England had a tax on tea. After this England is determined to exert control. This lead to the Intolerable Acts.This was a major cause of the war. There was no turning back after this.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    Intolerable Acts - WikipediaBoston Port Act - Closed Boston Harbor - only food and fuel in. No one could leave.
    Mass Govt Act - Revoked Mass. Colony charter. Governor would appoint all civil officials - no public meets - governor would select juries.
    Justice Act - Anyone accused of a capitol crime in colonies would be tried in England.
    Quartering Act (2nd) - requires colonies to build barracks for troops - gives soldiers the right to seize homes.
    Quebec Act - Quebec Boundaries would extend into Ohio River Valley.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress - WikipediaMet in response to the Intolerable Act. Some favor the boycott, but it's obviously porblematic. (Smuggling) They signed a non-importation agreement. the Committees of Correspondence was made to enforce.