
Act 3 Romeo and Juilet

  • Jul 19, 1300

    Evening tyblets death

    Benvolio and Maercutio meet tyblet in the street. Marercutio fights tybelt Romeo steps in and Maercutio is killed
  • Jul 19, 1300

    Evening Romeo kills Tybalt

    Romeo kills tybalt for killing Mercutio
  • Jul 19, 1300

    Night The prince baneshed Romeo from Verona

    As punshiment the Prince Bananshed Romeofrom Verona insted of killing him
  • Jul 19, 1300

    Night Juilet is told of Tybalts death and romeo's bansehedment

    Juilets supports Romeo and the Nurse says thatshe id going to go get Romeo
  • Jul 19, 1300

    Night Romeo is ipset about his baneshment

    Romeo hides Friar Larence's cell. Friar Larence developes a plan
  • Jul 19, 1300

    Night Capulet arranges for juielt to marry Paris on thursady

  • Jul 20, 1300

    Dawn Romeo and juilet have spent the night together

    Romeo leaves for Mantua