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2nd trimester final

  • Progressive Era

    Progressive Era
    Four Goals of progressivism:
    Protecting Social Welfare-To prevent riots from those starving at the bottom of the social class structure
    Promoting Moral Improvement- Banning alcoholic beverages. Prohibitionist group feared that alcohol was undermining american morals
    Creating Economic Reform- change for the better correcting abuses and this in the sense of economic reform is to bring a change in the economy
    Fostering efficiency- Many Progressive leaders tried to make society better
  • Imperialism

    Treaty of Paris -Dec. 10, the United States and Spain met in Paris to agree on a treaty. The Treaty of Paris touched off a great debate in the United States. Aruguments centered on whether or not the United States had the right to annex the philippines, but imperialism was the real issue.
  • Imperialism

    Wanted the US to become an imperialistic power, claimed that it was the duty of the "White race" to govern peoples and bring them the joys of civilization.Japan or Germany would take them and control them for their own military and economic advancement. Some Americans actually believed it would be best for the nation, it would unite the country following the war which divided some, if the Philippines were annexed to the US
  • Progressive Era

    Progressive Era
    Woman Suffrage- immiediantly after the Civil War Lacy stone and Julia Ward Howe and others formed the American Woman's Suffrage association, but not until the passage of the nineteenth amendment in 1919 did women throughout the nation gain the right to vote.
  • (Progressive Era)Protecting Working Children

    (Progressive Era)Protecting Working Children
    -As a number of children workers rose, reformers worked to end child labor.
    -Children were more likely to have accidents caused by tiredness
  • (WWI) The triple alliance

    (WWI) The triple alliance
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy- The alliances provided a measure of international security because nations were reluctant to disturb the balance of power. it turned out, a spark set off a big conflict.
  • (Progressive era)Prohibition

    (Progressive era)Prohibition
    The banning of Alcohol beverages. Prohibitionist groups feared that alcohol was undermaining American Morals
  • WWI

    Big Four- U.S.- Woodrow Wilson-At the end of the war, President Wilson wanted the United States to become more involved in international affairs. He believed the nation had a moral obligation to help maintain peace in the world.
    Britian- David lloyd George- wanted control of Austrian- held territory
    France- George Clemenceau-The French Priemier had lived through two German invasions of France and was determined to prevent future invasions
    Italy- Vittorio Orlando-
  • WWI

    Great Migration- Large Part of America's African population from the rural to the industrial north to work in war industries.
    -Better Life
    -Fair treatment
  • WWI

    U-boats- Germany responded to the British blockade with a counterblockade by u-boats. Any ship found in the waters around Britian would be sunk, It kinda wouldn't be possible to warn crews and passengers of an attack
  • Imperialism

    Policy of Imperialism- Stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories.
  • WWI (14 points)

    WWI (14 points)
    5.A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims
  • WWI 14 point

    WWI 14 point
    Fourteen Points
    1.Open covenants of peace
    2.Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas
    3.The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.
    4.Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.
  • (progressive era)Prohibition experiment

    (progressive era)Prohibition experiment
    The amendment launched the era know as prohibition, during which the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages were legally prohibited.
  • Imperialism

    Annexation Of Hawaii- United states annexationed islands because it would have eliminated tariffs on Hawaiian goods, to enhance the islands’ economy.Many Americans, were against annexation because they feared the islands would be settled by slaveholders.
  • Imperialism

    Spanish American War- provoked by word of Spanish colonial brutality in Cuba. Although the war was largely brought about by the efforts of U.S. expansionists, many Americans supported the idea of freeing an oppressed people controlled by the Spanish. At war's end, America emerged victorious with newly acknowledged respect as a world power.