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2nd History Timeline

  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French had made much colonization before the English had even arrived, controlling alot of Canada, the Ohio river, the Mississippi valley, and such. Yet, the colonies they owned never really grew, making their presence there weak, and so, when the British arrived, they wanted the Ohio river valley, the French refused, and war broke out. Reason being for this odd name of a war is because Indians actually assisted the French due to their happy trade relationship. ( Editors)
  • The Treaty Of Paris

    The Treaty Of Paris
    After 9 long years, the war had ended, with The English the victors, forcing The French out of Canada, and areas west of the Mississippi. This marked the last war between France and England to date. A notable, important battle of this war was the capture of Quebec, by British General Wolfe. ( Editors)
  • The Boston Massacre.

    The Boston Massacre.
    This event marked the beginning of the idea of a rebellion against The English. Tax acts had been pressed upon the Americans, due to the French and Indian war having had taken place in America, The English felt that the colonies be held financially responsible. They passed The Stamp Act, an immense tax on paper. This, plus The Passage Of Townshend Acts, caused a boycott of English goods. A riot took place in Boston, 5 men had their lives taken by the British. ( Editors)
  • Boston Tea Party.

    Boston Tea Party.
    This is a very famous event in History. What had happened was, "The East India Company faced near bankruptcy, George III (The British King) gave it the right to sell tea to the American colonists at a lower price than smuggled tea." Now, the reason why this was a problem, was that the Americans felt it would hurt the tea business, and so, when the tea arrived in Boston, Americans dressed up as Indians, and threw the tea overboard the boats. ( Editors)
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    "A movement spread among the colonies to call a general congress represented by delegates from all the colonies." This was due to all the tension being put forth between America and The British, and so, it was made. Each colony having a leading representative, they made the Declaration Of Rights And Grievances, that openly denounced the Intolerable Acts, which were extremely horrible acts passed as punishment for the Boston Tea Party. ( Editors)
  • The Olive Branch Petition.

    The Olive Branch Petition.
    The Olive Branch Petition was something written by America's continental congress. It was about the hope to come to a peaceful conclusion with The English, begging parliament not to break away from the colonies yet. ( Editors)
  • Formation Of The Regular Army

    Formation Of The Regular Army
    America decided to create an army, the war was beginning, with their very own George Washington as their leader. "The Patriot forces lacked training and organization. Against Britain's armies of well-trained regulars, the Patriots seemed ill-matched. The men in the Continental Army had little experience in military tactics and fighting in open battle. Their training had been limited largely to frontier warfare against the Indians and the French." ( Editors)
  • The Revolutionary War.

    The Revolutionary War.
    So, the war had officially begun, America declared independence. Sadly, The American forces were ill-equipped, ill-trained, but, high spirited, which was how they persevered. A notable battle which was a turning point of the war was the battle of Seratoga. There are three major reasons why America won. Loyalists, betrayers of America, Americans who had taken the British side made them extremely angry. British blunders from cocky-minded commanders. Help from the French. ( Editors)
  • The Articles Of Confederation

    The Articles Of Confederation
    The Articles Of Confederation was America but in beta, written by Benjamin Franklin, essentially. A sloppy government of no power to collect taxes, a rebellion made up of angry debt ridden farmers due to the governments irresponsibility, and disputes between larger and smaller states. A change needed to be made, and so, thank God, one came. ( Editors)
  • U.S. Constitution

    U.S. Constitution
    Now, America was America. Three branches of government had been created, each synergizing with one another, creating what we know today as the government. In order to keep from one branch becoming too powerful, The System Of Checks And Balances was made, it said, "The Supreme Court may declare laws unconstitutional", "The president can veto legislation passed by Congress" and, "Congress may override a veto by a two-thirds vote or impeach the president for misconduct." ( Editors)