
U.S. History Timeline 1800-1900 By:Kayla Stubblefield

By kayla21
  • New Capital

    New Capital
    The U.S. capital moved from Philadelphia to Washington D.C. The founding fathers decicded to move the U.S. capital because they were concerned that if the capital was in one state that state would have more power than other states. It was important because if this didn't happen one state would be more powerful than another today.
  • New President

    New President
    James Madison was elected president, he was the fourth one. He was important because he helped write the Bill of Rights and he was known as "The Father of the Constistuion." He also helped co-write the Federalists Papers.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    War of 1812 happened. It started because of British violations of the American shipping rights. It was known at the time as "Madison's War." It was important because it forced other nations to respect American Independence.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. It was an attempt to maintain balance between the North and South. It was important because it balanced out the U.S. and made one state a slave state and the other a free state.
  • Texas Declares Independence

    Texas Declares Independence
    Texas declares its indpendence from Mexico. Texas declared its independence from Mexico because they wanted to speak a different language, prohibit slavery and have a different religion. It was important because Texas was declaring its independence saying they wanted their freedom.
  • First Telegraph Message

    First Telegraph Message
    Samuel Morse sends the first telegraph message from Washington to Baltimore. He decided to invent this because news traveled slowly during the 1700-1800's and needed something to speed up and have the news travel faster. It was important because people would know about news and things they needed to know about faster.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's cabin is published, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She was an abolitionist and wrote it in attempt of potraying the worst of slavery. Few exceptions were not strongly in favor of freeing slaves. It was important because people could read about it and see how bad slavery was and it kinda helped free slaves.
  • Lincoln Elected

    Lincoln Elected
    Abraham Lincoln was elected president. He led America through the Civil War, wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, and freed the slaves. He was a very good president for America. His importance was that he changed alot of people's lives by freeing the slaves and he was a good leader for our country.