Influence on U.S. History

  • John Locke

    John Locke was and english philospher who said many things;" everyone is born with natural rights, No king has absolute power,and, goverment should protect natural rights.He also talked about;
    Individual rights; personal liberites and privelages
  • Montesquieu

    Montesquieu was a french philospher who talked about;
    Republicanism; the people exersise their power by voting for their political representatives
    separation of powers; No one braanch is given all the power
    checks and balances: each branch of goverment can exersise checks or controls over the branches
  • Articles of Confederation

    First form of Goverment-
    Powers to congress: wage war, make money, make peace, make lawes
    States power: tax, enforce laws
  • Philadelphia Convention

    Virginia plan; Proportional Representation, big states favored it, had two houses
    New Jersy Plan: Equal Representation, small states favored it, had one house
  • Ratification of the constitution

    Two groups argued over the constitution, the antifederalists and federalists.
    The federalist wanted to have a presidant, wanted to divide the branches powers, and wanted to give national goverment some of states power.
    The antifederalists thought that they were going to become a dictatorship, thought there liberties would be taken away and thought the eexecutive branch shouldnt be more powerful than the legislative. They also wanted the states to have politicial power,
  • Constitution

    Three branches;
    Legislative Branch: Article 1, House and Senate part of Legislative, makes laws
    Executive Branch: Article 2, President and Vice president part of executive, enforces laws
    Judicial Branch: Article 3, supreme court part of Judicial, interprets laws
  • Washingtons Presidency

    Washington was the first president and made the first cabinet
    Wahsington's cabinet:
    Secretary of war: Henry Knox
    Secretary of state: Thomas Jefferson
    Secretary of the treasery: Alexander Hamilton
    Attorney general: Edmund Randolph
  • First Political Parties

    Federalists; strong national goverment, fear of mob rule, loose construction of the constitution, favored national bank, economy based on manufacturing and shipping, supporters were lawyers, merchants, manufacturers amd clergy
    Democratic/Republicans;Limited national goverment, fear of rule by one person or powerful few, strict construction of the constitutionk, opposed national bank, economy based on farming, supporters were farmers and tradespeople
  • Constitutional goverment

    Limited power: everyone citizen and there leader must obey the laws
    Popular Sovereignty: a goverment in which the people rule
    Individual rights: Personal liberties and privelages
  • Interpreting the constitution

    Hamiltons veiws: Believed in "loose' interpretation of the constitution, Allowed congress alot of power to run the goverment. Believed in a strong National Goverment.
    Jeffersons veiws: Believed in tight or "striked" interpretation of the constitution. Believed in a "weaker" National goverment and a stronger State Goverment
  • Roman Goverment/ Cincinatus B.C.

    Cincinatus was apart of the roman goverment and talked about;
    republicanism; the people exersise their power by voting for their polititial representatives
    limited govement; everyone citizen and there leader must obey the laws