21st Century

  • Period: to

    SEM Decade Project 2000-Present Day

  • Septerber 11 Terroist Attacks

    Septerber 11 Terroist Attacks
  • Lance Armstrong Wins Tour de France

    Lance Armstrong Wins Tour de France
    But the championship was taken from him
  • Tiger Woods Wins Masters

    Tiger Woods Wins Masters
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Boston Celtics win NBA Finals

    Boston Celtics win NBA Finals
    take the lead with a total of 17 NBA Finals
  • Micheal Phelps Wins 8 Gold Medals

    Micheal Phelps Wins 8 Gold Medals
    In 2008 Summer Olympics
  • Barack Obama was elected first black president

    Barack Obama was elected first black president
  • Michael Jackson Death

    Michael Jackson Death
  • 2009 World Series

    2009 World Series
    New York Yankees win their 27th pennant
  • Osama Bin Laden killed

    Osama Bin Laden killed
  • 2012 Summer Olympics- London

    2012 Summer Olympics- London
  • 2014 Men's World Cup

    2014 Men's World Cup
    Germany Men's National Team won the World Cup.
  • 2015 Women's World Cup

    2015 Women's World Cup
    USA womens national team won the World Cup.
  • Super Bowl 50

    Super Bowl 50
    Denver Broncos beat the Carolina Panthers
  • NASCAR Sprint Cup Champion

    NASCAR Sprint Cup Champion
    Jimmie Johnson won the Sprint Cup from 2006-2010.
    5 year winner