
  • Bluetooth

    The first Bluetooth that was released was actually in 1999. Although this doesn't fall into the category of 2000-2010, I felt it was vital to include. This device allows us to connect wirelessly from one device to another.
  • Playstation 2

    Playstation 2
    This was a fun advancement in the world of gamers. I never personally had a chance to enjoy this but I am sure it was a well appreciated upgrade.
  • Skype

    Skype allows us to talk to others while seeing their face instead of only speaking over the phone. This is also a huge, monumental breakthrough in the technological field. It ties in human interaction and allows us to be more personal with our calls.
  • Facebook

    Facebook allows us to communicate with old friends/ acquaintances and also update others on our life events.
  • the IPhone

    the IPhone
    This was an evolutionary shift in our world. Although we still had cell phones to communicate prior to this event, the iPhone gave us the means to have the world at our fingertips.