1990 to 2000

  • Intel's Touchstone Delta supercomputer system comes online

    Intel's Touchstone Delta supercomputer system comes online
    Intel made a Super Computed that was capable of 32 gigaflops with 32 billion floating points per second. Computers use a floating system of numbers because they calculate on a 1 scale and not a 10 scale like humans do. An example of a floating number 1.0000003
  • Apple's Macintosh Portable

    Apple's Macintosh Portable
    Apple launches its portable mac in 1991 with little success sadly but this was one of many to come apple laptops. After its release it lead to a complete redesign.
  • Apples Newton

    Apples Newton
    Apple enters the hand held computer game with its introduction being the Newton. The Newton was marketed as a personal data assistant. The Newton had many features that would be used
    by handheld computers in the following decades.
  • DVD

    DVD format was introduced in 1995, And had grater leaps in storage than cd. It was developed by multiple Japanese technology companies.
  • Maya 3d animation software

    Maya 3d animation software
    Maya was made in 1998 by Silicon Graphics Incorporated. Maya was adopted by video games and films and used to make some animated films today. It allowed for creation of an entire world on one computer the only limit was storage and graphics.(I took a 3D animation class and I use the newer program to this date)