Oip (13)


  • Ronald Reagan Inaugurated (40th President)

    Ronald Reagan Inaugurated (40th President)
    A Republican, Reagan implemented "trickle-down" economics or Reaconomics-- a decrease in taxes in the middle to upper classes that he hoped would bring prosperity to the lower class as well.
  • Ronald Reagan Assassination Attempt

    Ronald Reagan Assassination Attempt
    A bullet bounced off the limousine and tore through the president's lung and lodged itself near his heart.
  • The Iran-Contra Affair

    The Iran-Contra Affair
    Orchestrated by Robert McFarlane and Oliver North, the Iran-Contra Affair was a trade of arms and missiles to free some Americans held hostage by terrorists in Lebanon, but also used funds from the arms deal to support armed conflict in Nicaragua.
  • George H. W. Bush Inauguration (41st President)

    George H. W. Bush Inauguration (41st President)
    A Republican, his diplomatic accomplishments were the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) and The Clean Air Act (1990).
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    For twenty-eight years, the Berlin Wall was standing, and its collapse signified the end of the Soviet Union.
  • The Collapse of the Soviet Union

    The Collapse of the Soviet Union
    The expensive arms race, political corruption, and ethnocentrism of the Soviets allowed the Union to collapse.
  • Bill Clinton Inaugurated (42nd President)

    Bill Clinton Inaugurated (42nd President)
    A Democrat, Clinton created more than 22 million jobs, created the lowest unemployment in 30 years, and had the lowest government spending in 30 years.
  • Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center Towers.

    Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center Towers.
    A three-part terrorist attack involving for planes-- two directed at the twin towers, one directed toward the pentagon, and another plane that was prevented from reaching its target because the passengers stopped it.