1960s timeline

  • Murder of Emmett Till

    Emmett Till was visiting his uncle in Money, Mississippi for the summer, where he was brutally beaten and killed after hitting on a white girl. His mother, who was from Chicago decided to have an open casket funeral to show everyone the horrors of racism in the South, His picture was published in a magazine for many African Americans to see and stuck in people's minds and brought awareness.
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Blacks in Montgomery, Alabama were tired of segregation on the city buses, the NAACP utilized Martin Luther King, Jr. with his speeches and Rosa Parks to spark the boycotting. After that, the whole community got involved by refusing to give the bus companies their money and services by not riding the buses. It lasted eleven months before the Supreme Court got involved and outlawed bus segregation. The SCLC was also formed because they wanted to force their desegregation efforts to the South.
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    The Little Rock Crisis

    Nine Students caused an uproar among much of the white community when they were allowed to attend Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas. The senator brought in National Guard troops but was reprimanded by Eisenhower so then only police were sent in to control the mobs, and were easily overtaken by the angry whites. After that, Eisenhower sent in military troops to protect 9 black students. This lead to more schools becoming integrated.
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    Lunch Counter Sit-ins

    The Lunch Counter Sit-ins was an organized non-violent boycott against segregated lunch counters. They sat at the public lunch counters that were reserved for whites and didn't retaliate when whites responded with violence. Police got involved and after they arrested one group of kids, another group was there to take their place until the jails were overcrowded. This caused SNCC to form and for parents to stop buying from the stores. After this, trestaurants became integrated.
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    Kennedy's Presidency

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    The New Frontier

  • 1960 Election

  • Kennedy-Nixon Debate

  • Peace Corps Proposed

  • Alliance for Progress Proposed

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    Warren Court Rules on Rights of the Accused

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

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    Berlin Crisis

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    The Freedom Rides

    The Freedom Riders were mixed-race groups of non-violent volunteers who went on bus trips into the South hoping to desegregate interstate travel. They ultimately accomplished goal because Kennedy got the Interstate Commerce Commission to ban segregation on interstate travel. However, as they traveled into the South they were greeted with violence. In North Carolina, two riders were beaten for using white bathrooms. In Alabama, the bus was bombed and in Anniston the KKK became involved.
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    The Freedom Rides

    The Freedom Riders were mixed-race groups of non-violent volunteers who went on bus trips in the South hoping to desegregate interstate travel. They ultimately achieved this after Kennedy got the Interstate Commerce Commission to ban segregation in interstate travel. However, as they traveled farther into the South, they were greeted with hostility. In North Carolina, 2 riders were beaten for using white bathrooms. In Alabama a bus was firebombed and in Anniston the KKK attacked passengers.
  • The Albany Movement

    Dr. Anderson, with the help of SNCC and SCLC planned on tackling segregation as a whole in Albany, Georgia. They engaged in civil disobedience, but they did not anticipate people to get arrested as much as they were because they were not breaking federal law. They planned on filling the county jail cells, but Pritchet sent them to different jails. MLK was arrested but his bail was paid so he wouldn't draw attention. The movement didn't acomplish much but it did mobilize the community.
  • The Other America Published

  • John Glenn Orbits Earth

  • Baker V. Carr

  • Engel v. Vitale

  • The Integration of Ole Miss

    James Meredith was an Air Force veteran who studied at Jackson State College and applied to all white University of Mississippi, but was rejected because he was black. After the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Meredith, Ole Miss was ordered to admit him. However, Meredith was greeted with the governer personally blocking the entrance to the admissions office, so Kennedy sent in troops for protection and marshalls even accompanied him to class.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

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    The Birmingham Confrontation

    The Birmingham Confrontation occured in Birmingham, Alabama and was mainly organized by King and SCLC. King went to Birmingham jail for leading a strike, where he wrote a letter defending his methods. When he was released, he got kids to join the movement and protest, which attracted the media's attention. As they marched were attacked by police dogs and fire hoses, commanded by "Bull" Connor. Once the country saw the violence, a bill was proposed and the city could no longer discriminate
  • Equal Pay Act Passed

  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington was a non-violent movement which consisted of speeches from leaders to raise awareness and get congress to pass a bill. The March went from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. The NAACP, SNCC, and SCLC were all present, but John Lewis of SNCC wanted to give a speech which criticized Kennedy's tactics. However King's speech really captivated the audience. The March caused the Bill become the Act of 1994 and the movement gained National support.
  • The 16th Street Church Bombing

    The 16th Street Baptist Church was where the children began their march during the Birmingham Confrontation and was only 4 days after the march. Four children were killed in the bombing, which brought out hostility in the movement. Blacks were not as enthusiastic about their non-violent approach and even felt the need to retaliate. However, they decided the right to vote was more important in protecting their children.
  • Kennedy Assassination

  • Lyndon Johnson sworn in

  • Warren Commission Formed

  • Economic Opportunity Act Passed

  • Great Society Proposed

  • 1964 Election

  • Medicare and Medicaid Passed