

By mik2586
  • Soviets Launch First Man in Space

    Soviets Launch First Man in Space
    Yuri Gagarin, on board Vostok 1, became the first person in the whole world to enter space and orbit the Earth. He went on with the misssion even though he knew the mission might fail and he would die.
  • Adolf Eichmann on Trial

    Adolf Eichmann on Trial
    After hiding in many different places throughout Europe and the Middle East, Eichmann escaped to Argentina. He and his family lived there for many years before he was captured and put on trial in Israel. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. He was hung a year later.
  • Marilyn Monroe Found Dead

    Marilyn Monroe Found Dead
    Monroe was only 36 at the time of her death. She was found in her bedroom by her psychiatrist after he was called by her housekeeper. Her death was ruled a self-administered overdose of sedative drugs. It was a probable suicide.
  • JFK Assassinated

    JFK Assassinated
    While in Dallas, Texas, President Kennedy was gunned down by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a motorcade. Two days later, Oswald was shot and killed during a prisoner transfer.
  • The Beatles Become Popular in the US

    The Beatles Become Popular in the US
    The Beatles became a huge icon in the music industry. People copied everything they did, including haircuts, clothing, and outlook. The syle of music of The Beatles set the standards for every musicuan after. Beatlemania had commenced in America after thier apperance on The Ed Sullivan Show.
  • Malcom X Assassinated

    Malcom X Assassinated
    During a meeting of the ORganization of Afro-American Unity, Malcom X was shot and killed. There were at least three assailants, who were part of the black Muslim group, the Nation of Islam. Malcom X had been a minister for the group for ten years before he left.
  • Black Panther Party Established

    Black Panther Party Established
    The Black Panther Party was set up to practice militant slef-defense of minorities. It was founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. It was one of the first orginizations in history to militantly struggle for ethnic minority and working class emancipation.
  • First Heart Transplant

    First Heart Transplant
    A South African surgeon was able to successfully conduct the first heart transplant on a 53-year-old male. The patient died eighteen days later from double pneumonia because the medication he was given weakened his immune system.
  • Australian Prime Minister Disappears

    Australian Prime Minister Disappears
    Harold Holt, the 17th Prime Minister of Australia, disappeared while swimming off of Cheviot Beach. Many conspiracies were made saying he was eaten by a shark, assassinated by secret agents from the Soviet Union, etc.. Holt was 59 when he went missing.
  • Sesame Street First Airs

    Sesame Street First Airs
    From its launch, "Sesame Street" became the most viewed children's program in the world. The show spans over 120 countries and has taught generations of children thier ABCs and 123s. The show was set in a fictional city in New York and included many ethnic diversities and positive messages.