
  • National Socialist German Workers' Party

    A far-right political party created to pull workers away from communism. Adolf Hitler joined the party and became its leader in its founding year.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    this act was intended to temporarily limit the number of immigrants in the face of the large number of Jews fleeing from persecution overseas
  • Joseph Stalin

    Stalin is appointed General Secretary of the Russian Communist Party.
  • President Calvin Coolidge

    became president after Harding died
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    a failed takeover of the government in Bavaria, a state in southern Germany.
  • Beer Hall Putsch defeated

    This was a failed coup by the Nazi Party to overthrow the Bavarian government.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    The act limiting the number of immigrants allowed into the United States through a national origins quota, completely excluding Asian immigrants, was enacted on this date.
  • Dawes Plan

    successfully resolved the issue of World War I reparations that Germany had to pay.
  • The Scopes Trial

    The state of Tennessee took John T. Scopes, a substitute teacher, to trial for violating the Butler Act when he taught evolution to his students.
  • Herbert Hoover becomes president

  • U.S. stock market crash

    the market dropped about 25% over 4 days
  • FDR becomes president

  • End of Prohibition

    The end of prohibition allowed alcohol to be manufactured and distributed in the Unites States.
  • Hitler Becomes Fuher

    Hitler becomes the supreme power of Germany
  • FDR Inauguration

    FDR begins his second term after winning the 1936 election by a landslide.
  • Germany Troops Occupy Rhine

    During this year Germany advance and successfully took Rhineland.
  • Hossbach Conference

    This was the turning point for Hitler's foreign policy and military, also outline Hitlers expansionist policies.
  • WWII begins

    The second World War begins after Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Soviets Invade Finland

    The USSR invaded Finland because they had a stable economy and were growing fast at the time.
  • Soviets Invade Finland

    The USSR invaded Finland because they had a stable economy and were growing fast at the time.
  • Hitler Takes France

    Germany advances through Europe and takes France through a massive siege and several battles
  • Battle of Britain

    his was an air battle between Germany and Britain, about 1000 British aircraft were shot down while Germany had over 1800.
  • FDR Inauguration

    FDR begins his third term as President of the U.S. He was the first person elected to a third term and will be the only.
  • Russia enters WWII

    Hitler terminated that pact by launching Operation Barbarossa, this was axis assault on Soviet-Help Territories.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The event that makes the United States join the second world war, this was an attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan.