1910- 1955

  • Election of 1912

    Election of 1912
    This election was fought against 3 people, Woodrow Wilson, William Howard Taft, and Theodore roosevelt. William howard Taft was renominated by the republican party. Theodore Roosevelt was nominated by the Progressive Party. Woodrow Wilson was nominated by the Democrats. Againts all three of these men Woodrow Wilson was our new President.
  • world war 1 was started

    world war 1 was started
    On July 28, 1914 war was declared on serbirea by austria- hungry. Russia decided to go to serbireas defense. The reason Austria- Hungry declared war is because a 19 year old serb. killed archduke ferdinad.
  • Election of 1916

    Election of 1916
    This election was against Woodrow Wilson, and Charles E. Hughes. Woodrow Wilson was our former president, and was renominated for another term. Woodrow Wilson barley won, with 277 electoral votes.
  • Zimmerman note published

    Zimmerman note published
    The zimmerman note is what makes the United states join the war. Aurthur Zimmerman made an alliance with Germany and Mexico. The alliance was against the United States. The note would have helped Mexico gain the states they lost back from the united states.
  • U.S. Joins WWI

    U.S. Joins WWI
    The Zimmerman note made Many Americans mad. WIlson asked congress to declare war on Germany. April 6,1917 wilsions request was approved. U.S ofically declared war on 4-6-17
  • world war 2 ended

    world war 2 ended
    The war between the triple alliance and the Triple entente was over. By the end of the war Russia was out. Germany calls for a truce because the german economy were short.
  • Elaine massacre

    Elaine massacre
    The elaine massacre was a racial riot in Elaine, Arkansas. African Americans had a meeting and two aremd white men came in and started a gun war. soldiers were sent in to fight. The soldiers sentenced 12 African Americans to death a death sentence.
  • volstead act was passed

    The volstead act was made to enforce the 18th amendment. It set punishments for breaking the laws. This act got about 500 people arrested.
  • The wasteland was published

    The wasteland was published
    The wasteland was a poem written by T.S. Elliot. The poem was written to help people realize that the state of humanity after the war was fragile. The peom was an expression of Horror.
  • The Great gatsby was published

    The Great gatsby was published
    The Great Gatsby was written by F.Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby captured the Jazz Age. It was what the 1920's was all about. The characters in the book couldn't find happiness but they had everything.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    In this trial, a high school teacher was accused of teacheing the theory of relativity. Some of the states didn't allow the theory to be taught. John scopes was fined 100$, and he lost.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black tuesday is known as the day the stock market crashed. During the 1920's the stock market was very high so many people invested into it. When the stock market crashed it created a lot of problems. Telephone lines were jammed, Brokerages were filled with people selling stock, many people paniced
  • It don't mean a thing ( if it ain't got that swing)

    It don't mean a thing ( if it ain't got that swing)
    This song was a new form of music called "swing." Swing was a faster version of jazz. Swing had more tempo. This song was written and sung by Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington.
  • National recovery Administration was passed

    National recovery Administration was passed
    This was paart of the New deal. It helped devolpe codes for indusrties. The codes set prices, wages, and work hours. It also tried to end child labor and sweat shops.
  • snow white and the seven dwarfs came out

    Snow white and the 7 Dwarfs was a walt disney movie. It is an american animated film about a queen who is jealous of her step daughter who is beautiful.
  • Wizard of Oz came out

    Wizard of Oz came out
    The Wizard of Oz is a movie that shows an example of what movies were like in the 1930's-1940's. It was a fantasy film. Judy Garland starred in this film.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was when japan bombed the United States. We were suprised when the attack took place, The United states lost almost half of their men. It was said to be the reason we entered WWII
  • D-day

    On june 6th the allies made a fake landing to fool the Germans. The significane of this battle is it helped allies overcome the Germans. In the end of the war the Allies won. More than 4,000 allied troops died.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Germany was loosing the war so they were trying to break our lines. Germanys attack was a suprise to the allies. The allies managed to slow them down and the Germans eventually retreated. The Allies won the war.
  • V-E day

    V-E day
    The day the Germans surrendered. This meant a victory for europe. when Germany surrendered Hitler killed himself.